HKDay0927: RZ is a certified Program Management Professional (PgMP)!



“The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself.” Oscar Wilde

Preaparing for PgMP exam!

Preaparing for PgMP exam!

Last minute revision!

Last minute revision!

Lucas chilling by the poolside!

Lucas chilling by the poolside!

Lucas Day 109!

Lucas Day 109!

HKDay0926: Presentation + Lucas 百日照!



“Our work is the presentation of our capabilities.” Edward Gibbon

Nice place to be in the morning!

Nice place to be in the morning!

Presenting RZ!!!

Presenting RZ!!!

Lucas Day 108, 百日照!

Lucas Day 108, 百日照!



HKDay0925: Japan Expansion?!!!



“Action is the foundational key to all success.” Pablo Picasso

Self made Breakfast!

Self made Breakfast!

Honest Lunch!

Honest Lunch!

Discussion over cake and tea!

Discussion over cake and tea!

HKDay0924: Meetings + Recce!



“You can get people to work by using threats or by promising rewards.” Joseph B. Wirthlin

Testing testing!

Testing testing!

Lunch discussion!!!

Lunch discussion!!!

expensive and not nice!

expensive and not nice!

Delivered the goods!

Delivered the goods!

Lucas Day 106!

Lucas Day 106!

HKDay0923: Dad’s surgery success!



“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” Elon Musk

Lucas Day 105!!!

Lucas Day 105!!!

Lunch for Dad!

Lunch for Dad!

Lunch is lousy and expensive noodles!

Lunch is lousy and expensive noodles!

Snacks at the hospital!

Snacks at the hospital!

OT dinner is fried kway teow!

OT dinner is fried kway teow!

HKDay0922: Rainy 端午节!



Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. — George Addair

Honest Lunch!

Honest Lunch!

Lucas Day 104!

Lucas Day 104!

Trying to resolve print alignments with the new program we created for bib printing!

Trying to resolve print alignments with the new program we created for bib printing!

Trying to resolve print alignments with the new program we created for bib printing!

Trying to resolve print alignments with the new program we created for bib printing!

HKDay0921: Happy Father’s Day!



“It is a wise father that knows his own child.” William Shakespeare

ok marking attendance! Event cancelled. I am sad but I can go home now to sleep!

ok marking attendance! Event cancelled. I am sad but I can go home now to sleep!

Celebrating Hari Raya!

Celebrating Hari Raya!

Kaixin and Junyu! Lucas day 103!

Kaixin and Junyu! Lucas day 103!

HKDay0920: 马桶!


今天下班后就带Lucas看餐椅,也去爸妈家换马桶盖!原来我们家的马桶是Baron W303的连体马桶,好好用!

“How we think shows through in how we act. Attitudes are mirrors of the mind. They reflect thinking.” David Joseph Schwartz

Old seat cover for Baron W303!

Old seat cover for Baron W303!

After installation!

After installation!

Lucas Day 102! Still finding new toys!

Lucas Day 102! Still finding new toys!

HKDay0919: End of another event! Another successful FotoGraft REPC!


今天早上跑步,之后去爸妈家,然后忙着创业的事!今天终于成功的Deliver了又一个REPC(Race Entry Pack Collection)!贩卖机真棒!

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” Pele

Lucas Day 101!

Lucas Day 101!

Quick lunch! studying PgMP also!

Quick lunch! studying PgMP also!

LAte night dinner with the team! 猪杂汤!

LAte night dinner with the team! 猪杂汤!

HKDay0918: Modification + Study!



“Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.” –Anonymous

Honest Lunch!

Honest Lunch!

Lucas Day 100!

Lucas Day 100!