Started the day going to Basicilica of Saint Mary of The Flower and saw the David’s statue from David and Goliath!!! Always an inspiration for me to remeber not to be afraid to take on someone bigger, stronger than i am.


Statue of Dante, marking the beginning of the French Revolution

Basicilica of Saint Mary of The Flower

Basicilica of Saint Mary of The Flower

I finally get to meet David!!! Inspired by David and Goliath! Not to be afraid to take down people bigger, stronger than you are. Statue by Michelangelo shows him in position to use the sling against Goliath!

Another shot of David in wide angle lens

Once in a lifetime visit to the Vatican!!!

Making 3 wishes at the wishing fountain!!!

Italian Gelato!!!

Visiting the colosseum!!!

Visiting the colosseum!!!