SODay032: 拜年 @ NOC Office and Mr Ho’s home!

Donate to Odyssey Fund!
Ok People! Please do donate to the fund if you have the FUNDS! If not, you
can also donate a token amount which would also help! (like what I did!)
information! hehe! Thanks alot!
拜年 @ NOC Office and Mr Ho’s home!
Started my day studying Jap! (Not bad for a start huh? =) then its off to school
for a lunch meeting with folks at NOC (NUS Overseas College) with Gabriel,
Huimin, and the rest of us! Thanks Huimin for the lunch treat (and the very
useful gift which I cant review to the public!) Also took the opportunity to
drop by Prof Teo and Prof Kau’s offices, too bad they are not in. But we left
them a note! hehe!
Then it’s off to Mr. Ho’s house! Pretty! It’s so nice to see him again after so
long! and the food is fantastic! We also brought an Ice cream cake from
Swensen’s! Nice cake! Yummy! hehe! Had so much fun talking with the rest
of the seniors and juniors and we also took a group photo together!
On my way home, I also met Liyong! hehe! Nice coincidence! hehe! Chatted
a little before he heads home! its a nice catchup! =)
"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get."

Dale Carnegie


SODay031: Meeting Pujue in Singapore!

真棒!我们去了Bugis 吃了Muslim Chicken Rice! 很香哦!哈哈!
"Where you start is not as important as where you finish."
Zig Ziglar: Hard Work Quote

SODay030: The Return of ChupR Team!

Today had a job interview! hehe! interesting! Shall not talk too
much until I get to the next round. =)
Then it’s followed by the ChupR meeting! hehe! Fantastic!!! so now
it’s getting the plan all rolled out! hehe! pretty interesting and
exciting! wonder what would be next really! hehe!
After the meeting it’s meeting Zhiming to ask him for help with
reinstalling my computer! Thanks sooo much for his help! It’s
nice to meet him after so long! hehe!
"There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true

SODay029: 姑姑家!


SODay028: 大年初一!

今年一定风升水起! 哈哈!晚上还赌了一把。其实我每年都没怎么赢,不过我
还是照玩! 因为和亲戚一起,输赢不是很重要!哈哈!
“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns
home to find it.“– George Moore

SODay027: Back to Sunny Singapore

Today I head back to Sunny Singapore. this would take a whole new meaning!
It would mean the end of my vacation and the start of aza aza fighting! hehe!
Shall make sure I get what I want!
"After all is said and done, more is said than done." Aesop
得很不错,还有新的迷你巴士! 真为我的哥哥开心!哈哈!

SODay026: 小年夜饭!

"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be
greater than your fear of failure." Bill Cosby

SODay025: Last few days of the vacation

TOday is the 3rd last day before I fly back to Singapore. To start
some part time work and at the same time wait for my full-time
dream job to come to fruitation! hehe! I wonder if I would be
successful in getting that job… pretty challenging, especially with
all the lay-off going on… Gotta keep working on it!
"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."

Vince Lombardi

打包回家,我也很不客气地点了鳗鱼和鳕鱼! 哈哈!

SODay024: A new Career in Shanghai?

Ok, Thanks Gary! For letting me know that this company is hiring! hehe!
There is a chance for us to work together still! hehe! Trying our luck on
this one! Let’s hope we get lucky! hehe!
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." Socrates
Spent half the day working on the application form! But I was glad that
I had good cake for breakfast and went to the 菜市场 to get some
food for dinner! hehe! also had the MOST DELICIOUS 桂圆奶茶! That
was followe by a super sumptous dinner! hehe! Yummy!!! 

SODay023: Emily and the Bag… =)

下午去了新旺! 终于把饭菜吃完后,竟然新旺跑来了一只老鼠!真可怕!哈哈!
Went to 陆嘉浜 to alter my suit but its CLOSED!!! arrgghhh!!! how can they
do this to me??? they will only be back after 15th of the lunar new year!!!!
After that I went to 星游城!FUN!!! havent had a game in a long time! hehe!
After that was eating at Coldstone! hehe! Nice! they have a Buy 1 get 1 free
offer for students!!! AND I CAN USE MY NUS STUDENT CARD! hehe!
"Your minda will answer most questions if you learn to relax and
wait for the answer." William S. Burroughs quotes