SODay878: New Computer!


今天买了新电脑!我的Home Theater Project 也告一段落了!现在能用大屏幕看电视和电影真舒服!哈哈!

“A project is complete when it starts working for you, rather than you working for it.” Scott Allen quotes

Assemble these parts and you get a new Computer!

Assemble these parts and you get a new Computer!

SODay877: Handing over (taking over)

今日は沢山な仕事しました!そして今週の日曜日はJLPT N3試験です!そして!そして!来週は!僕のPMP試験です!緊張が高まる!

今天在公司准备我的Handing Over Taking Over… 学新的东西,交掉旧的东西!晚上去作了我的练习!时间现在超级紧张!尤其是在两个考试即将来临的时候!

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” ~ Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) was a theoretical physicist, philosopher and author who is widely regarded as one of the most influential and best known scientists and intellectuals of all time. He is often regarded as the father of modern physics.


Is this picture saying that when you are stressed, desserts look like sh*t?

Is this picture saying that when you are stressed, desserts look like sh*t?

SODay876: PMP + BBQ



“Either I’ve been missing something or nothing has been going on.” Karen Elizabeth Gordon

Pass PMP (Simulation)

Pass PMP (Simulation)

Great Day!!!

Great Day!!!


Bundung... the best drink...

Bundung... the best drink...

Bacon weaving on a BBQ!

Bacon weaving on a BBQ!

Adding lotsa cheese on the bacon weave!

Adding lotsa cheese on the bacon weave!

roll it up and cut it up!!!

roll it up and cut it up!!!



The Folks!

The Folks!

SODay875: 新しいテレビ!



“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” Groucho Marx quotes (American Comedian, Actor and Singer, 1890-1977)

My new TV!!! muahahaha!

My new TV!!! muahahaha!

SODay874: 練習!



“True happiness is… to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future.” Seneca quotes (Roman philosopher, mid-1st century AD)


また Sitex 2010!

また Sitex 2010!



美味しい Yong Tau Foo!!!

美味しい Yong Tau Foo!!!


SODay873: Sitex 2010!

今日はSitex 2010に行きました!沢山人の所です!パソコンの物を買いました!とても嬉かった!

今天去了Sitex 2010!看了很多电子消费品!我也买了我的Mini HM Project 的配件!真开心!晚上下大雨!不能去跑步了!明天吧!

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” Dolly Parton quotes (Popular American country Singer and Actress, b.1946)

Sitex 2010!

Sitex 2010!

Lucky Draw... just not lucky enough for this... =p

Lucky Draw... just not lucky enough for this... =p

SODay872: 僕のInspiration!


今天我要介绍我的好友PJ! 其实我从认识他到现在一直都很佩服他!初级学院的时候佩服他自己去念Amaths然后进入Fmaths的Science Major!大学的时候,佩服他敢不入主流,自己去追自己的梦想!现在我真的很佩服他能屈能伸,为了自己的理想奋斗!昨晚说话的时候更是确认了这份佩服!因为他,才把我从昨晚的沮丧中捞起来,让我有继续奋斗的勇气!

“Men are respectable only as they respect” Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes (American Poet, Lecturer and Essayist, 1803-1882)

Lunch (Somewhere) Here!

Lunch (Somewhere) Here!

SODay871: 大変の事!


今天工作上发生了一些状况!没办法,因为是我的地盘,所以就立马冲去Firefight! 好久没有那么勇敢的把工作抢着做!我还真有责任感啊!哈哈!

“One’s own shit doesn’t smell” Old Russian saying quotes






“Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.” Isaac Asimov quotes (Russian born American science-fiction Writer and Biochemist. 1920-1992)

xmas is coming...

xmas is coming...



SODay869: Tea Talk…


今天早上跑步后就读我的PMP,下午和朋友一起去吃自助!还蛮不错的!我真的超级喜欢和好朋友一起谈将来的事情!真的是太Exciting 了!大家一起加油!一起努力!一起到Greener Side吧!

“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence but you still have to mow it.”  -Unknown 

Hi Tea Here...

Hi Tea Here...


Aquarium under the table!!! Cool!!!

Aquarium under the table!!! Cool!!!



Do-It-Yourself Popiah...

Do-It-Yourself Popiah...

The process...

The process...

The Result: 薄饼!

The Result: 薄饼!

Tea talk...

Tea talk...