SODay058: 两道彩虹!

他送我去车站! 真是没话说了!哈哈!
不错的体能测验成绩, 而且还看见两道彩虹!哇!
之后还有ChupR Meeting!哈哈!谈到差不多十点半!
"Fate loves the fearless."

James Russell Lowell


SODay057: 重写?! Oh My God!!!

简直跟重写没分别!Oh my god!!! 救命啊!哈哈!
和Thomas身上就学了不少! 哈哈!很快!我就能卷土重来!很快!
"It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."

James Thurber


SODay056: Jap… and writing (What else?)

Ok… today… here I am… repeating my miserable boring life…
writing my book and at the same time preparing for my Japanese
Kanji test later… haha!
Life is not easy… So is dying… hehe! so life is complicated but I
hope there will be more fun soon! hehe!
Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.
Woody Allen (1935- )

SODay055: Writing…

Today is a pretty relaxing day… started my day with a good jog and exercise!
hehe! then it’s relaxing and reading the papers after breakfast! What a
great start! hehe!
Then? Well… time to get back to reality… WRITE! so now, it’s writing and
writing and writing! thinking about all the motivations behind getting my
VERY first (two) books out! hehe! I know I can write!
I know I need to relax more… but I am working harder than ever… haha!
well.. life’s like that!
"It is human nature to think wisely and act in an absurd fashion." –

Anatole France

SODay054: ASK for help + Gathering!

Special Help! ~ Thanks!
Thanks to friends and family for a special help that they are giving me.
At least thanks in advance! hehe! Always remember this one! hehe!
"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us
with our fellow men." Herman Melville

SODay053: ChupR Meeting Again! hehe!

This is no odinary ChupR meeting! But due to the high sensitivity of the information,
I can only say that we are gona make it big! hehe! =)
Also, did the page writing and JAP studying today! hehe! fantastic! hehe! Love my
life! hehe! Shall not care about people that stand in my way taking everything and
not giving what they are promising!!!! hehe! I seriously hope they learn…
"Lead, follow, or get out of the way." Laurence J. Peter

SODay052: Writing writing!!! (Yes… I know no life…)

Alright! today the most exciting part of the day I would say is the….
TEA BREAK! haha! away from all those typing and staring at the screen…
Ohhh I got up since 730am and was typing typing typing away… haha!
but anyway, I am trying to get the first half of the book done soon! SOON!
Ok… I could not stand writing and writing the whole day… so in the end,
I still went for a jog in the evening! now here I am blogging! haha!
"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst."

William Penn


SODay051: 封面照+ First Chapter!!!

First Chapter!!!
晚上,我还有我的Partner一同去Mediacorp Publishing的
会在April-June 2009 Issue 的 SIF (Singapore International
Foundation) Magazine 上!! 封面哦!请大家密切留意!
"Be faithful to that which exists within yourself."

Andre Gide


SODay050: Writing again…

"Dreams are necessary to life." Anais Nin

SODay049: Book writing!!!

Today, I went all out flat writing the book! hehe! whew! not easy at all!!! epecially to
type all those formula and equation!!! I almost died!!! hehe! But I can stay its an
enjoyable experience!!! At least for the next few months! hehe!
After that was Jap lesson! sooo many grammar! hehe! Life’s not easy… and lifelong
learning is certainly more difficult! hehe! But I am enjoying!!! =)
"Education is the transmission of civilization." Will Durant

A little bit of advertisement… If you are in Singapore, come join THIS plane! hehe! Sure win! hehe!