TSD Day372: Shaghai-ed: Last Day in Shanghai

Today marks my last day of the NOC(NUS Overseas College) program.
I am leaving for Singapore tomorrow morning. While packing my bag,
I had a strange feeling that I never felt before…
The Cycle…
I can still remember myself coming into this apartment in July 2007,
getting ready to take on anything in my way… Throughout this year,
I have been through and grew from a variety of incidents and learning
along the way to where I am now. (Not that I am very experienced,
but I guess I have became much better.)
Now that I am packing my bag, I could feel what my seniors felt while
they were packing their bags to go back to Singapore. This strange
feeling whelmed up inside me and I have to admit that I dropped a
tear or two. It’s the feeling of leaving what you have built up here
What I have learnt:
– Ask at least 3 persons on ANYTHING you are unsure
Especially useful on directions. Never trust completely what one person
says. even if the person means no harm, he/she may not know enough 
information to give you the full picture.
– Patience
You have to live with the bureaucracy here in China. because the
system is like that and the people are very used to the system…
of waiting for a long time for procedures to be done.
– Negotiate
You can negotiate just about ANYTHING in China! Simply because
of the fact that everything allows some flexiblity. even in the
interpretation of the law. That is why, we can bargain for the best
price for products. You can even talk your way round getting a
cheaper fare for taxi rides. I feel that is a good thing about China…
if you know how to leverage and not get leveraged.
"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get." Dale Carnegie
– About Shanghainese (In general)
They tend to be very fast paced and inpatient (on the contrary
to the above point). They are also very goal oriented, which is very
much like me, getting things done is a must! hehe! And!
Shanghainese people are very pretty! (REALLY!)
Farewell Dinner (Thanks Yvon!)
Had the farewell dinner at Pin Chuan. Really great food! luckily we
had the 50% discount voucher! hehe! and it became pretty afoordable.
I would reccomend the food! great taste! good price… if you have the
voucher, that is… haha!


  1. JoAnne

    Great Great I grab the first seat!
    My nose felt sour when I read about you dropping one tear or two… I could relate to the feelings just like when I was heading back to Shanghai from Spore.
    Thanks for sharing the things you have learned. You are certainly better individual! I also learned that there is always room for negotiation. LOL. I am so weak at it. Always too shy to negotiate.
    And thanks for saying that Shanghainese are pretty. hahah Remember you said ‘AHH~!!!!’ …LOL
    Have a good journey home. As said I am with you wherever you are. Keep in touch.

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