LSiN Day009: 2nd day of FW… pointlessly shag

super tired… and I Slept at 3+ last night. and did not attend the GL
(Group Leader) debrief…. I thin the quality a nature of the FoW has
changed greatly… to an extent I am not too comfoprtable with…
I think maybe there are differences in management especially after
I have left for a year and that SoC has shifted….haha!
Today wanted to have breakfast at Mcdonalds with my OG! but the
mcdonalds in school has closed!!! hahaha! stupid! in the end we had
Nasi LEmak… haha! nice! with a chicken drumstick! nice!

Mcdonalds CLOSED???????Nasi Lemak! te best!


LSiN Day008: 1st day of FOW!!!

FOW means Freshmen Orientation Week… for Freshmen in SoC
(School of Computing)… haha! it is a stay over orientation for
today! we are staying over till tomorrow (saturday!) wow!
Today is Friday 13th… not very lucky… and the group I am
taking is group 13… haha! and the group name is THE MOON! haha!
It is gona be SUPER fun! hehe! stay tuned for the pictures! haha!

Breakfast!My OG! THE MOON!Dinner!Games!Along the stairway...sleepanywhere...


LSiN Day007: Going Junru’s House!

Hehe! Today I am going Junru’s house for Games and BBQ!!!
Finally! hehe! get to meet him! hehe! miss him lots man! haha!
Today I complained to Singnet and I got some rebate off my
next month’s bill due to their LOUSY service….
Finally gotten the Internet today! hehe! did not study any JAp
just did revision…. haha…
Junru’s house is GREAT! havent played WII!!! haha! the games
are fun!!! the best part? THE BBQ!!! haha! Junru’s cooking is
indeed good! I will surely invest in his Food and Beverage Business
if he intends to open a restaurant… hehe! yummy!
Junru's house!The BBQ fire!FOOD!!!BBQ-ing!Yummy!SATAY!Cooked food!US!Us again!Beer and men's talk! haha

LSiN Day006: Singnet sucks…

Hihi! nothing much today! Memorised another 4 pages of Japanese… then
finised 7 pages of Business case! still need to write sommore…. haha!
Also jogged… or the past 4 days… I think I will take 2 days of rest…
Hehe… eat some chocolate and the red dragon fruit today! nice! hehe!
Singnet sucks…
Lousy service, SLOW reaction…. suppose to be able to use the internet today..
but due to their INEFFICIENCY, I can only use the internet tomorrow…
all in all, SINGNET SUCKS! =p
Singnet sucks, but Chocolate makes my day!

LSiN Day005: Japanese + Business Case Again?

Today I am SUPER Productive!!! hehe! Finally finished 4 pages of my business case! hehe!
Also, for my Japanese, I actually memorised 5 pages of vocabulary!!!! wow! I am sooo
proud of myself! hehe!
Also, went for a jog for the 3rd day coninuously… hahaQ tired.. but I need to build up
my stamina to prepare for my IPPT Fitness test! hehe!

Jap and I


LSiN Day004: 没有Internet的日子

Now that I am still waiting for my internet… life is a little troublesome
to have to head down to somewhere with Internet access just to update
my blog! he! but I think it should be updated! haha!
Today I met Pujue! hehe! and we went to Marina Square together! hehe!
had lunch at the food court and went to Arcade! hehe! fun! been some
time since we last played! haha!
After that came home for a jog and here I am… blogging today and
yesterday’s entry… later I shall continue to study Jap at night! haha!
I shall work towards all my goals and achieve them! surely! =)

Lemon Chicken Rice! + Ban Mian!,Lemon Chicken Rice! + Ban Mian!Me!


TSD Day307: 谢谢 Weiwei!

A little bit about Weiwei! 
Weiwei呢,她是我在NUS Entrepreneurship Society (NES)认识的
WW:"Hello is this Huang Renzhi?"
RZ: "Yes."
WW:"This is the Assistant Marketing Director of NES…"
RZ: "Hi… so what is it regarding?" (我心想发生了什么事,需要
一个Assistant Director来打电话给我?毕竟那时我还大一。。)
WW:"I called to inform you that you are the Marketing Director"
RZ:"…Oh…. Really? Sorry I just woke up…"
Lunch!谢谢Tracy买的水草!My new and improved aquarium!

TSD Day245: BizBuzz on Shanghai Times! 申江服务导报!

今天帮Caroline作了WMM的Minutes!!! 天啊!那个超麻烦!
还要双语!而且开了3个钟头的会!不过还好!今天也上了BD Training!
就是Business Developement Training! 学了很多金融知识!
BizBuzz on Shanghai Times! 申江服务导报!
各位观众!今天的重头戏!我们(Bizbuzz) 又上报了!这次上了
申江服务导报!Oh Yeah!
First Time eating here! With Rie! hehe!Appetitzer!!!Oh yeah! BizBuzz on Shanghai Times! 申江服务导报!close up!

TSD Day206: Friends!

Today I met Wenrong in the morning to pass him his gift! haha!
Also swam in his house!!! Not bad! HAvent been to the pool for
a long time!
Met Guosen, Allan and Gilbert in the afternoon in Suntec and MArina
Square! haha! Nice! Havent seen them in a while! they are
still the same! maybe even better! haha! Also caught up with Zixian
and Joshua in the evening and we went to River Hong Bao together!
In teh evening Guosen and I met up with Yvette! haha! I am happy
that she and John are getting better and better! Wonder when they
will get married! haha!
Something INteresting!Swim!Ferris Wheel!ME Allan And Guosen!ME and my favourite Roadside Rasberry ICecream!Food!Dessert!春到河畔!财神爷!090208-13090208-14(Guosen) Yvette and I! haha

TSD Day173: 想混!

从Daily Teamwork Conference 到 Morning Leadership Huddle!
基本上变化不大,唯一变的就是老板加了个约束机制。 让大家都非
参加不可!忙的却是我, 为这个新政策忙碌奔波!等一下还得做
Annual Party 的 Presentation。 好想混。。。
混Part 1。。。
午餐时间只省20分钟。 可是我却还没吃饭。哈哈!因为我想用这20
分钟看火影忍者!!! 然后1 点午餐时间过了在吃饭!哈哈!聪明
吧?可是不知道为什么,有点内疚,所以我看到12点55分,就用5 分
混Part 2。。。
当你在看这一部分的Blog的时候,我已经在混了! 没办法!现在工作
时间是9-6!我每天0830 就到公司了!为了准备0845 的会!所以现在
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Martin Luther King, Jr.

谢谢Karen Zhang!!!
哈哈!其实Karen 星期五送我的肉骨茶我今天才收到!各位观众!这可
不是普通的肉骨茶!!! 这是新加坡的肉骨茶!而且是余仁参的肉骨茶!
 Present from KAren!!! It's Bak Ku Teh from SINGAPORE!!! hehehe!