HKDay1141: Working working!



Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success. Virat Kohli

Honest Lunch!
Honest Lunch!
Lucas Day 323!!!
Lucas Day 323!!!
Strange theme for a cafe in an industrial area!
Strange theme for a cafe in an industrial area!
Food is ok though...
Food is ok though…

HKDay1140: Seeing the doctor with mum



The doctor sees all the weakness of mankind; the lawyer all the wickedness, the theologian all the stupidity. Arthur Schopenhauer

Honest Lunch!
Honest Lunch!
Lucas Day 322!!!
Lucas Day 322!!!

HKDay1139: Airing the Mind


今天帆船了。非常开心。把心事都透透气,通通风。绕了Pulau Ubin一周。继续努力吧RZ!

“Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.” Misty Copeland
At the Club. Changi Sailing Club!
At the Club. Changi Sailing Club!
Sailing Round Ubin!
Sailing Round Ubin!
Sailing round ubin with some beer...
Sailing round ubin with some beer…
Sailing round ubin with some food!
Sailing round ubin with some food!
Sailing round ubin with some other races!
Sailing round ubin with some other races!
Sailing Round Ubin!
Sailing Round Ubin!
Lucas Day 321: First time calling Mama recorded!
Lucas Day 321: First time calling Mama recorded!
Dinner by mum!
Dinner by mum!

HKDay1138: Staying Strong



“You’ve got to stay strong to be strong in tough times.” Tilman J. Fertitta

Creating my own cloud storage with Synology DS218!
Creating my own cloud storage with Synology DS218!
Lucas Day 320!!!
Lucas Day 320!!!
Honest Lunch!
Honest Lunch!

HKDay1137: 坚强! Colon Cancer Stage 3


今天得到妈妈得了Colon Cancer Stage 3 的坏消息。心里非常难受。突然之间什么心情都没有。下班后就回家带着笑脸看看爸妈。要坚强。

“Life is full of happiness and tears; be strong and have faith.” Kareena Kapoor Khan

Lucas Day 319!
Lucas Day 319!
Lucas Day 319!
Lucas Day 319!
Honest Lunch!
Honest Lunch!

HKDay1136: Working Hard!!!



“Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.” Colin Powell

Honest Lunch!

Honest Lunch!

Lucas Day 318!!!

Lucas Day 318!!!

HKDay1135: Lucky Wednesday!



“Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Honest Lunch!

Honest Lunch!

Lucas Day 317!!!

Lucas Day 317!!!

HKDay1134: Work Hard Tuesday!



“Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success.” Virat Kohli

Lucas Day 316!!!

Lucas Day 316!!!

Air Fried Salmon!!!

Air Fried Salmon!!!

HKDay1133: OT Monday!



“In Asia, it is very hectic – there is no overtime, no holidays, no weekends. It’s pretty rushed because they are trying to cut the deadline.” Godfrey Gao

Lunch here!

Lunch here!

Honest Lunch! This is pretty tasty!

Honest Lunch! This is pretty tasty!

Lucas Day 315!!!

Lucas Day 315!!!

HKDay1132: Chilli Padi Admin Day!


今天把Chilli Padi收拾好了!很开心因为可以帆船了!

“I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship.” Louisa May Alcott

with Kaung!!!

with Kaung!!!

The new Chilli Padi!!!

The new Chilli Padi!!!



Manda recommended Veuve Champagne!

Manda recommended Veuve Champagne!

Sailing with friends!

Sailing with friends!

Lucas Day 314!!!

Lucas Day 314!!!