FOB0698: Sunday to 德大!



“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” Dale Carnegie

Western is always the favourite!
Western is always the favourite!
Playing at the gym!
Playing at the gym!
Playing at the gym!
Playing at the gym!

FOB0697: Fighting Termites and Storage!


今天继续陪着双宝,学习,游泳,练琴,玩耍。今天也继续和白蚂蚁作战!发现了第二个Active Infestation点,放了bait,也打下了4升不会危害环境的白蚂蚁药。今天也把旧办公室的东西搬过来了。继续努力!

A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body.” Benjamin Franklin

Getting ready to fight the Termites!
Getting ready to fight the Termites!
Pumping in the environmentally friendly anti termite solution!
Pumping in the environmentally friendly anti termite solution!
Hope the baiting works!
Hope the baiting works!
Stuff from old office: could reuse the microwave and fridge!
Stuff from old office: could reuse the microwave and fridge!

FOB0696: Termites Attack!


今天工作继续,午餐和打包一起吃还蛮开心的。虽然他要的只是麦当当的Shaker Fries一根都不肯分给我。妹妹吃了一点也超级开心!今天继续搞房子。今天查房找到了白蚂蚁的踪影!可以做Baiting。真有趣!学习中!

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” Soren Kierkegaard

Enjoying the McDonalds Shaker Fries! yummy!
Enjoying the McDonalds Shaker Fries! yummy!
Live Termite infestation found! Excited to see how baiting is done!
Live Termite infestation found! Excited to see how baiting is done!
Drilling holes every interval to pour termite solution tmr!
Drilling holes every interval to pour termite solution tmr!
drilling every interval!
drilling every interval!
Nice sunset...
Nice sunset…
Spare the rod and spoil the child...
Spare the rod and spoil the child…

FOB0695: Aircon washing!



“Persevere in virtue and diligence.” Plautus

Lunch with Cynthia at Lei Garden!
Lunch with Cynthia at Lei Garden!
Happy Birthday Justin!
Happy Birthday Justin!
Before cleaning! woah! super dirty!
Before cleaning! woah! super dirty!
After cleaning
After cleaning
Before cleaning! woah! super dirty!
Before cleaning! woah! super dirty!
After cleaning the coil!
After cleaning the coil!
Washing the compressor too!
Washing the compressor too!
Washing the compressor too!
Washing the compressor too!

FOB0694: Termites!!!



Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.“ Albert Einstein

Logitech Keyboard + MS mouse! yay!
Logitech Keyboard + MS mouse! yay!
I still love the original!
I still love the original!
McFlurry ice cream on a hot day!
McFlurry ice cream on a hot day!

FOB0693: Majulah Singapura!



“I think you need to go through some stuff to really appreciate life and understand what it means to persevere, overcome and have faith. I think those tough times make you a stronger person.” Judith Hill

Lunch with FF!
Lunch with FF!

FOB0692: Working working!



“Sometimes things aren’t clear right away. That’s where you need to be patient and persevere and see where things lead.” Mary Pierce

Honest Lunch!
Honest Lunch!
Yummy 出前一丁!
Yummy 出前一丁!

FOB0691: Housekeeping Sunday!



“The rewards for those who persevere far exceed the pain that must precede the victory.” Ted Engstrom

Studying when I am around...
Studying when I am around…

FOB0690: Study mate



“To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.” Marilyn vos Savant

Making sure he study while I eat the ice cream... yummy!
Making sure he study while I eat the ice cream… yummy!
Piano lesson. Wow he is doing much better than I am already!
Piano lesson. Wow he is doing much better than I am already!

FOB0689: 好房上市!



“Who seeks shall find.” Sophocles

McDonalds Lunch!
McDonalds Lunch!
Master room, love the high ceiling!
Master room, love the high ceiling!
Master room, love the high ceiling!
Master room, love the high ceiling!
Master toilet has jacuzzi! Wow!
Master toilet has jacuzzi! Wow!
Master Balcony!
Master Balcony!
Master Balcony!
Master Balcony!