Author: huangrenzhi
SODay021: 买东西!吃东西!
could be sooo tiring… I think it’s not easy to live life as a Tai Tai after
putting myself in their shoes today! hehe…
Finding what I REALLY want…
I think I am just one confused young man hungry to carve a career of
his own but unsure where to begin while in the midst of a financial crisis.
I shall know what I REALLY want soon… =)
"To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path,
and don’t worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars
shine brightest." – Unknown
SODay020: 南京大屠杀纪念馆!
也要谢谢阿姨送我红色的围巾! 好好看啊!哈哈!
SODay019: Trip to Najing!!!
SODay018: Rest and Relax…
SODay015: To take or not to take? That is the Dilemma!
SODay014: Fudan + 衡山路
SODay012: Steamboat at Tracy’s!!!!/IMG|_0584.jpg!!!/IMG|_0593.jpg!!!/IMG|_0594.jpg!!!/IMG|_0597.jpg