今天在龙之梦和Liu Yilun同学吃饭!终于终于可以吃肯德鸡了!!! 哈哈!
After that was a haircut at the saloon I used to go! hehe! They still
REMEMBER ME!!! haha! not bad! its still 15rmb for male! but now 18rmb
for ladies! hehe! Headed home after that for a bath! hehe!
Then its meeting Jennifer! hehe! nice dinner! BIG FISH! 鲶鱼!Nice!
Just alittle bit salty. haha!
To take or not to take? That is the Dilemma!
Well.. after considering the layoffs of my dream company… I am really
fearful… they just laid off several hundreds in the US and they intend
thousands more worldwide!!!
I am seriously considering my other options… Now, it’s a struggle between
dreams and reality… sigh…
"To be or not to be: that is the question"
William Shakespeare (from Hamlet 3/1)
welcome back!hahabtw, who is your dream employer? just curious:p