TSD Day073: REnzhi’s Day out!!!!
Today I went to Fudan in the morning for my NPD! Was suppose to
go to office in the afternoon to do some work. But I guess I will work
at a later time from home! hehe. Its the weekend! haha!
After that I had a meal at a 新疆 restaurant! Thanks Alicia for the
reccomendation! Had a pretty good meal there! Too bad I cant take beef.
Had lots of lamb there. I went to 上海书局 immediately after that and window shop
for the entire afternoon. I bought a 11.80 RMB Jap language book. I hope
it would be useful. =)
I am currently looking at fishes and fish tanks to put one on my office table!
Trying to make it more relaxing and less stressful to work! haha! Went to a 花鸟市场
near Tomorrow Square. Interesting! Saw lotsa pets like rabbit, cats, dogs, birds,
grasshoppers, ALOT! haha!
In the evening, I had Steamboat! wow! its fantastic! haha! ordered just 5
dishes! pretty good! haha!
TSD Day072: Growing…
Today I learnt something I feel is important. The logic behind
all the grants and the funds. I got the information from my
Entrepreneurial Finance textbook actually. It changed my thinking
to be able to see things deeper.
End goal: To get more VC funding into the country
Problem: Not enough companies for VCs to invest in
So now what?
-Spur the growth of startups though lots of grants for different industries!
From what I typed, it would seem to be so simple. but from the
perspective of an individual who is receving this grant, one would
wonder, why is the government encouraging entrepreneurship?
This I think would be one key reason. these small startups attract
big money. =)
HAd a treat of Merci chocolate from Denise! Generally today is ok…
NORMAL…. and I saw Boss being shot for a video for Channel News Asia!
cool man! hehe! Went to luwan to document the process at the Nurse
Counter… its crazy… theres alot of things…
Went home… and slack my day away… haha!
TSD Day071: 星期四蓝?懒啦!
就在卢湾。和Lydia 说好了Reception 的程序。因概算
完成了!明天能做Nurse Counter 的流程了!Yeah!
Lydia 还跟我说了一些程序上的建议!我想我会多问她。
然后向老板说吧!一定要指明是Lydia 的建议!不能抢
健身!Yeah! 听说健身能保持骨质好!不那么快失去钙质!
拌河粉! 才6块半!就有菜有肉!真棒!那鸡腿非常大!虽
了。 真的很不错!真开心!=)
TSD Day069: 中秋节快乐!
很温馨!有家真好。 在加上Alicia 的绿豆汤!天啊!大家都对我
今天在卢湾重新写了Version 4.0 的流程。我想因该不错了!就在
他今天来看Customer Service 的事情吧。我们也讨论了老板给她
的 VVIP 计划。有一格项目是我以前跟她讨论过的!原来她也很
赞成我的看法!决定把它写在 VVIP 里面!希望他们会采取!
哈哈!大家庆中秋! 我和Gary 还有 Yunting 去健身!在回家的
过后在家里还和Gary一起分享Caroline 的月饼!=)
TSD Day068: 第一场胜仗!YEAH!
今天在公司还好!对DTC 的群发作了些Innovative 的调整。
虽然只是小小的调整,DTC 其实就只有Caroline 和我嘛!
所以说服Caroline 就够了!不过我终于改革成功!这还是在
"Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect." –
Vince Lombardi
今天打胜仗特别High! 所以打算吃鸡腿饭庆祝庆祝!哈哈!
也吃了第 一个月饼!绿茶口味的!不错! 能抗癌!哈哈!
Efficient. 和 Lydia 多了解后才发现有漏洞。要多谢Lydia 的建议!
一定要向Mark 和 Jonathan 说!就用Mark 常说的Lean Manufacturing
来做我的论点!用Jonathan 常说的Profit and Loss 开始这项讨论!
一定要让他们知道漏洞, 向他们讨论Lydia 的建议!
就知道发生什么事了! 哈哈!
TSD Day067:ON CHINA: What have I learnt so far!
Today I spent my day studying. Feels good to be catching up with studies.
There’s something I want to share with all my fellow NUS juniors out there,
who are interested in NOC about what I have learnt so far! So that I don’t
just keep it in my mind about China! especially Shanghai!
Issue 1:
When I was still a bumpkin back in Singapore, I hear businessmen saying:
"China has 1.3 billion people, if we are able to capture 10%… blah blah"
My take:
True. of course there is 1.3 billion people. BUT! within china, this one big market
is actually divided into many many smaller pieces, akin to the different countries
in the different parts of the world.
The only good thing is that it is considered one country so licensing wise, its
easier for a 1.3 billion market. But then again, consider the red tape in a
communist country. you have to exercise caution.
Issue 2:
The manufacturing costs in China is cheap! why think so much? Invest!
My Take:
I think this is commonly known as the "China Price" as I would quote business week.
If R&D is a big market in the western world then C&P is a big market here in China!
with 1.3B people, talent is not too difficult to find.
These Talents uses C&P (Copy and Paste) technology that MNCs bring into their
China factories to lower costs. These talents in turn, share the technology and starts
to produce these to the market, at a lower price (maybe of equal or lower quality).
Think long term and short term costs.
Issue 3:
You would have learnt that its not only what you know, its also WHO you know.
It’s applicable everywhere in the world! and why would China make a difference?
How is 关系 (relationship / Guan xi ) different from that ?
My take:
Well, after my 60+ days in Shanghai. I got to learn that actually the entire Shanghai is
divided into different districts and each district may have slightly different interpretations
of the same law and these different interpretations can make or break your way around
How different are their interpretations? That depends on how well is your 关系 with them.
Get it? That’s Guan xi for me. Still learning though. =)
Issue 4:
So how exactly do I build that 关系 You have mentioned?
My take:
Ever heard of trailers (预告篇)? Stay tuned till I have more updates! haha!
Thanks for reading! =)
TSD Day066: Gym + Expat show + Concert!
Today is FULL of FUN!!!! Started my day by training in the gym with Gary!
It’s been some time since I last went tothey gym. about 1 week I think!
soooo good to be perspiring so much again! haha! Then we went to
Carrefour for our weekly supply of food and breakfasts for the week!
Lunch is just a pack of Bowl noodles! haha!
Afternoon: SHANGHAI EXPAT SHOW 2007!
Its superb!!! So many activities from sooo many companies!! Now I know
what are the services available and at what price! haha! I think I am lucky
enough to be getting the "Exploring Shanghai" Book worth 200RMB! (Thanks
to jiaxing for reminding me to register online! haha!) Also visited our parkway
booths there! hehe! Just a note! Parkway is one of the main sponsors! haha!
Went home to put my stuff! Also had the 锅贴 at 食客 at 中山公园station! Compared
to the one at Fudan selling the same food, this one sux! it’s more oily, less soup
and much harder to bite! (like chewing a piece of rubber band!)
Evening: International Festival Chorus: Beethoven’s No.9 Symphony!
FANTASTIC!!!! They are a terrific bunch! haha! Excellent conductor, choir, band,
sopranos, everything! haha! The audience are all engaged into the performance
and really enjoying every moment of the performance! Too bad that the
oncore is not entertained. Maybe that’s really all that they have prepared.
But then again, its good enough!
Alicia bought me to this place called 避风塘 for dinner! Good food! and one more
thing: the 虾饺 is SUPERB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed it sooooo much!!!! haha!
TSD Day065: 幸运一千!
原来他不能去一个Concert。然后他把票给我! 叫我一定要去看,
不要浪费那两张票。我看了看那票。 哇!是VIP的票!一张500元!
天啊!是看什么“贝多芬第九交响曲”很开心!还请了 Denise 姐
今天是Lulu姐的最后一天! 好舍不得阿!Lulu姐很"照"我的!
JoAnne and JiaXing
Dark Chocolate!很浓!很好吃! 然后下班后就和她还有
JiaXing, 她的文莱的朋友在一茶一坐Chill 了一下。 之后就开始
还有辆车。做完足欲之后就坐她的车去公司的Cocktail Party.
Cocktail Party at JW Marriott (40th Floor)
迟到了!本来8开始, 我们9点才到!不过在楼下又遇见老板,和
在那里见了很多Parkway 的同事。也看见了CC的朋友!好想恋在CC
那里的风景很美!和许多人拍照就回家了!幸亏遇见了Patty 和Josephine,