TSD Day072: Growing…

Today I learnt something I feel is important. The logic behind
all the grants and the funds. I got the information from my
Entrepreneurial Finance textbook actually. It changed my thinking
to be able to see things deeper.
End goal: To get more VC funding into the country
Problem: Not enough companies for VCs to invest in
So now what?
-Spur the growth of startups though lots of grants for different industries!
From what I typed, it would seem to be so simple. but from the
perspective of an individual who is receving this grant, one would
wonder, why is the government encouraging entrepreneurship?
This I think would be one key reason. these small startups attract
big money. =)
HAd a treat of Merci chocolate from Denise! Generally today is ok…
NORMAL…. and I saw Boss being shot for a video for Channel News Asia!
cool man! hehe! Went to luwan to document the process at the Nurse
Counter… its crazy… theres alot of things…
Went home… and slack my day away… haha!

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