TSD Day114: My little Aquarium!! haha!

今天节奏十分紧凑!好忙好忙!一整天都在做Orgnisation Chart 都快做





一共6 3 对:红色、橙色、蓝色! 看着冰份色彩的鱼缸,烦恼都没了!




今天和Jessica 还有辞职了的Connie 吃午饭!吃Monday! 真伪Connie 高兴!





 增加以下自己的Exposure! 然后还跟Samuel 谈一谈了, 很开心哦!可能有机

会参加成都的Marketing Project! Muahahaha!!!! 只是可能!还没肯定!



"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds."

Connie, JEssica and I!My little Aquarium!!!

TSD Day113: Operation SECRET

Felt not so good in the morning! Diarrhoea!!! But things turn for the better
in the afternoon and I could carry out operation SECRET as planned.
Lucky for me… I have found someone to guide me for operation SECRET!
hehe… and that is none other than…. ALICIA!!! =)
She bought me to the 花鸟市场 behind Tomorrow Square! wanted to pay
Tina a surpise visit but I am running short on time!
Alicia bought me to the 小吃街 Near 南京西路 Before heading back to Admin
to put set up my FISHES!!! hehe!!! Now I have a Fish Tank on My TABLE!!!
Operation SECRET is a SUCCESS!!! haha!
午餐!晚餐!小吃街!Operation: SECRET 鱼缸!

TSD Day112: Things I learnt as an Intern in Shanghai!

想法:“我想换个部门! 想去Marketing 学事情!或者去HR 也好!”
我认为现在已经很难在现在的领域学到更多的东西了! 本来有想过去
除这两个部门之外的地方,可是我认为在那里很难学到事情。 不是因为
事情难, 而是因为有些人因该不会教。我想也该是时候跟Jane 说了!
Things I learn as an Intern in Shanghai:
On Culture
1. People here tend to not wait
Especially true in traffic situations. They are generally seeing everything
in time and $. That is why crimes that target based on human greed is
widespread here.
2. Cheers! 干杯!
When you cheers and bring your glass against theirs, do bring your glass
LOWER than the other party. This is to show your humbleness. Especially
if the other party is someone you need to respect.
On Internship
1. Get someone (or many) who can teach you
Its hard to find one mentor that can show you the way ALL the way. Chances
are you would have to fend for yourself most of the time. I think one would
grow fastest this way.
Getting mentors from everywhere you can from as many aspects as possible
would be ideal. (Assuming the Mentors are good at that particular Aspect).
Most importantly. they must be willing to share! not just treat you like hands
and legs.

TSD Day111: 考场大作战!

终于来了! 考试终于来了! 在我说考试之前, 我想先
Biz Buzz!
刚才还去了我们12 月8号 Biz Buzz Competition 的 Venue!
很好看! 原来是MBA 学生用的课室!让我介绍一下!Biz Buzz!
是NUS 的各海外学院参加的比赛!美国有Stanford 和 Wharton
的学生、欧洲有 Royal Institute of Technology (Kungliga Tekniska högskolan,
KTH) 的学生!上海嘛,当然是复旦!
这场竞赛将在12 月5号掀开序幕!是一场72 小时的Business Case
Competition! 也要谢谢Angela! 帮我们订了教室和帮我们
战场如杀场!考完 NPD!!!! =)Biz Bizz 的 Venue!MBA 的教室!鸣谢:Angela!

TSD Day110: Meeting TATA and Oracle!!!!!

今天本来以为会是一天无聊的写Minutes!!! 可是没想到, 午餐开始,
就开始和TATA Consultancy Services (TCS) 的铱玲 和 Oracle 的
孙秀谈得来! 很棒哦!午餐铱玲请大家吃!哈哈!然后晚餐孙秀请!
吃的都很丰盛! 晚餐后还吃小龙虾!
小龙虾 VS 淡水蟹!+ My Mistake!!!
Dr Liam 包了宵夜! 是我第一次吃小龙虾哦!很不错!可是吃了螃蟹
犯了个大错! 我现在才知道螃蟹鳃不能吃!天啊!!! 我吃了!
到了家!第一件事就是写今天的Minutes! 之后就是Blog!!! 哈哈!
现在要读书了!!! 剩下最后3个Chapter!!! 加油!!! (^_^)
Dinner!!! 乌鸡汤!!!好吃!脲**虾!副茂的小龙虾!小龙虾!小龙虾 VS 螃蟹!淡水虾和蟹! 

TSD Day109: Study -ING

Ok! Today is still studying…. nothing exciting really…
But I  did study at CoffeeloxQ hehe! not bad! had Breakfast there!
Studied till noon before I took an exploratory walk to Parkson!!!
ITs a shopping Centre near the house!!! hehe!
Now I am back and Bloggin again! =)
STUDY!!!!! ( I am at the last part!!!! haha!)
 Breafst @ Coffeelox!PArkson!! (Nothing much there for me...)

TSD Day108: Studying HArd… (Playing Harder…)

要把500 页的书读完!!! 一定要!!!
下午和Gary 去了一趟东昌路买了件棉衣!好暖哦!
也在新巴克(Starbucks) 读了一下书!
回到家,还是在读书!!!! 天啊!!!!
Starbucks 的 Artistic Shot!!

TSD Day107: 穷则变、变则通!

大家!!! 我终于想到了!!! 其实我春节还是能回家!
哈哈!之后我还会去澳门、香港、深圳玩 之后,在回来上海!
Yeah! 因为我想到了一个 妙计!让我可以在300新币内的总车费!
哈哈!真是天才RZ!!! 哈哈!
今天一整天都在做Organisation Chart…. 都快做死我了!
救命啊!!! 原来我们公司有那么多人。。。  那么多层。。。
Jane 请我吃的第一餐!
老实说,其实Jane 是我的Supervisor。 我也想敲她竹杠很久
了! 可是都没什么机会! 今天!我在加班的时候,Jane 请我
之后,因为有Cocktail Party 公司的人和老板一起去吃晚餐!
十大青年经济人物”奖! 哈哈!我也为他高兴!
Cocktail Party!
晚上的Party 在Moca 举行!那里的布置十分有格调!很不错!
我也赢了抽奖!哈哈!是按摩礼券。 看能不能卖掉!哈哈!比较
Jane 请我的第一餐!Cocktail Party 之前的晚餐!The road to Moca!老板很Class 的照片!Call Centre!Joce, her husband and I!!!!My Favourite Building! 明天广场!Moca!Nell, Jane, Her relative, and Joan!Business Development Team!My Prize and My Heineken!

TSD Day106: 鸣谢。。。

The Great Route Discovery!
首先,让我借此机会谢谢Caroline! 要不是她昨天带我去
今天是New Product Development 的最后一课,也是我
门的 Presentation!终于完了非常高兴! 我也想说,我们
的老师非常好,会很灵活的使用教材和例子, 让我们了解
课堂的内容… 谢谢 Prof. Zhang!
好了,说了那么多,今天本来要做Org Chart. 可是因为
Bottle Neck… 所以还不能做。。。 可能明天才加班。。
可是明天又有Cocktail Party!!! 我想去!!!!!
Angel!!! The new HR Manager!!!
今天Angel 来跟我讨论HR 的事! 非常好噢!可能有机会
参与一些HR 的Operations… 我认为对我的个人发展有很大
我找Jane 谈 HR 的 Idea 太多太多次了! 哈哈! 所以她叫
Angel 找我! 哈哈!不过也好!Angel 十分接纳我的想法,