TSD Day139: BizBuzz07 Preparation

Today is a pretty hetic day. Not only to coordinate for Boss’ presentation
slides for the board meeting in Singapore, but also to coordinate BizBuzz07
this coming weekend.
BizBuzz07 – 72 Hour Business Case Competition
This competition is a business case competition held across the globe in the
different NUS Overseas College (including Stanford, Wharton, Fudan, KTH).
We are intending to do it real time together with the counterparts across the
globe. However, pulling myself back to reality, I am still stuck finding a venue
that can host us at 1am… for free… haha! thats the challenge!
I even approached WebEx in Shanghai, as we are using their interface.
Well, since Fudan cant accomodate us due to the timing, I guess I will next
approach our companies, then worse case will be in a internet cafe… =)
Well I think my team is strong and we are set to win! hehe! I think I will leverage
as much from the diversity of the team from both Fudan and NUS to the best
of our advantage and also to harness the different skillsets we have to make
it happen! We shall WIN!
"Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can."

TSD Day138: 超人!

今天, 我做了许多是包括:
DTC, VVIP, 华山Lab 的流程和各种表格, 准备Cisco的会,和Sam 聊天!
这还不包括我在准备BizBuzz 的工作:准备房间、回答疑问、找老师( Prof Li Hongyu)
等各种琐碎事情!我还帮忙准备学校来我们各个实习公司的Time Table! (其实只是
帮4 家公司而已啦!)
晚上:Happy Belated Birthday Xiaoyun!
我不但建了身, 还参加了Xiaoyun 的生日庆祝会! 哈哈!真好玩!
"You are the only person on earth who can use your ability."

M. Kathleen Casey

Xiao yun's Birthday Jelly Cake!Birthday girl!Shane's Cooking!Charlene with her 喜力!Me toasting Xiaoyun!Xiao yun with Ryan!