TMDay0557: Sick *cough cough*



“Sometimes the most urgent thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest” Ashleigh Brilliant quotes (English Author and Cartoonist, b.1933)





TMDay0556: Please Try Again!



“The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.” Sven Goran Eriksson quotes

Just me and the coconut trees...

Just me and the coconut trees…

blue sky...

blue sky…

Thanks for the pointers!!!

Thanks for the pointers!!!

TMDay0555: Congrats Alex, Yi Xin!!!



“Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate.” Barnett Brickner quotes

The Church!

The Church!

The photo!

The photo!

Door gifts...

Door gifts…

Getting ready...

Getting ready…

Program booklet + doorgift!

Program booklet + doorgift!

Exchange vows...

Exchange vows…

thank the whole world... =)

thank the whole world… =)

Memory lane corner...

Memory lane corner…



Collaboration is brewing!

Collaboration is brewing!

TMDay0554: Bull Chargggeee!!!!


今天和同事一起去跑Bull Charge!真开心!吃吃,喝喝,跑跑!

“Running helps me stay on an even keel and in an optimistic frame of mind.” Bill Clinton quotes (American 42nd US President (1993-2001), b.1946)

Lunch! Fish and Chips!!!

Lunch! Fish and Chips!!!

Visit to GSC!!!

Visit to GSC!!!

Travis' Office!

Travis’ Office!

Catching up with Thomas!!! =)

Catching up with Thomas!!! =)

Charge ar!!!

Charge ar!!!

The bulls...

The bulls…

ar.. nice beer after run!!!

ar.. nice beer after run!!!

Food for thought...

Food for thought…



Rain rain...

Rain rain…

Long queue for beer!!!

Long queue for beer!!!

Nice view of CBD...

Nice view of CBD…

Nice photo!!!

Nice photo!!!

TMDay0553: iFly-ed!!!



“The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.” Friedrich Nietzsche quotes (German classical Scholar, Philosopher and Critic of culture, 1844-1900.)

Lunch here!

Lunch here!

cheap lunch!

cheap lunch!

Yummy sandwich before flying!

Yummy sandwich before flying!

We are here!!!

We are here!!!

The Pass!!!

The Pass!!!

The Gear!!!

The Gear!!!



Group shot!!!

Group shot!!!

Individual shot!

Individual shot!

The team!!!

The team!!!

After flight!!!

After flight!!!

iFly-ed!!! =)

iFly-ed!!! =)

TMDay0552: Meeting with 老板!



“Diligence is a great teacher.” Proverb quotes

Lunch here!

Lunch here!

saving up...

saving up…

TMDay0551: Happy Deepavali!!! =)



“You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.” Paul Sweeney quotes

Good read!

Good read!

TMDay0550: 想



“When you know what you want, and want it bad enough, you will find a way to get it.” Jim Rohn quotes (American Speaker and Author. He is famous for motivational audio programs for Business and Life.)

Lunch here!

Lunch here!

I love ths portion!

I love ths portion!

Running wear for this Fri!

Running wear for this Fri!

TMDay0549: Attachment to Nature!



“Don’t just learn the tricks of the trade. Learn the trade.” James Bennis quotes

Uncharted Area!

Uncharted Area!

Male 花蟹!

Male 花蟹!

Female 花蟹!

Female 花蟹!

I could lead a life like this forever...

I could lead a life like this forever…

Teaching teaching...

Teaching teaching…

Rough up...

Rough up…

Another batch! =)

Another batch! =)

TMDay0548: PA WV Trainers Nite 2012!


今天去划舟了!之后晚上也去了PAWV的Trainers Appreciation Nite 2012!很酷哦!

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig quotes

I always think that the journey is the reward! =)

I always think that the journey is the reward! =)

briefing on star 1...

briefing on star 1…

floatation test!

floatation test!

TX rescue theory...

TX rescue theory…

Practice in the water!

Practice in the water!

I love this shot!!! =)

I love this shot!!! =)

Trainers Appreciation Nite here!

Trainers Appreciation Nite here!

WVSB folks!!!

WVSB folks!!!

Wow... I feel lucky for a bit... =)

Wow… I feel lucky for a bit… =)

Food!!! Cant wait for dinner to start!!!

Food!!! Cant wait for dinner to start!!!

Group mug shots!!!

Group mug shots!!!

Another lucky shot!

Another lucky shot!

PA WV oh yeah!

PA WV oh yeah!

Gangnam Style!

Gangnam Style!

Yam Seng!

Yam Seng!

Belly dancing!

Belly dancing!

I got that S$50 note soon after Thomas! hehe!

I got that S$50 note soon after Thomas! hehe!