HKDay0601: Sailing + Camera Replacement



“You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it.” Lionel Messi



In-car Camera Replacement!

In-car Camera Replacement!

Honest lunch!

Honest lunch!

Look beneath the surface and you would realised it is a beautiful world!

Look beneath the surface and you would realised it is a beautiful world!

Look beneath the surface and you would realised it is a beautiful world!

Look beneath the surface and you would realised it is a beautiful world!

Taking customers out... Chilli Padi's first paid ride!

Taking customers out… Chilli Padi’s first paid ride!

Rope discipline!

Rope discipline!

Nicely back! I love this boat. Cant bear to sell it.

Nicely back! I love this boat. Cant bear to sell it.

Honest dinner!

Honest dinner!