HKDay1491: Retreat!


今天早上骑自行车,之后去把贩卖机搬回办公室一边打扫,一边帮老板做事。把公司打扫一番后都已经快8点了。去吃饭的路上看见Mentor SLK很开心。晚上回家继续读书!

“I know why most people never get rich. They put the money ahead of the job. If you just think of the job, the money will automatically follow. This never fails.” Hedy Lamarr

Cycling in the green was a good respite!
Cycling in the green was a good respite!
Office and machines finally cleaned!
Office and machines finally cleaned!
Honest Dinner!
Honest Dinner!
Need to be able to do 3 times more!!!
Need to be able to do 3 times more!!!