FOB0884: Finally Opened! 开张大吉!



“You will meet two kinds of people in life: ones who build you up and ones who tear you down. But in the end, you’ll thank them both.” — Anonymous

Getting ready to receive guests!
Getting ready to receive guests!
Getting ready to receive guests!
Getting ready to receive guests!
Medical Team...
Medical Team…
Signing in!
Signing in!
Bidding carplate in progress again!
Bidding carplate in progress again!
Proud to lead the team, missing ZF...
Proud to lead the team, missing ZF…
Proud to lead the team, missing ZF...
Proud to lead the team, missing ZF…
Birthday Celebration for Mondy, Figo and Stephen!
Birthday Celebration for Mondy, Figo and Stephen!
Cake first before lunch!
Cake first before lunch!
Heavyyy lunch...
Heavyyy lunch…
More Fruits!
More Fruits!
Door Gift, pillow and blanket...
Door Gift, pillow and blanket…

FOB0880-0883: Working like a dog



“Life doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our best.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Going to schooolll!!!
Going to schooolll!!!
Practice practice and practice!
Practice practice and practice!
Enjoying the hot chocolate!
Enjoying the hot chocolate!
My turn to be patient...
My turn to be patient…
Wow my lower back MRI!
Wow my lower back MRI!
Very bad lower back problems!
Very bad lower back problems!
Birthday cake for tomorrow!
Birthday cake for tomorrow!

FOB0879: Fighting Monday!



“Courage, my friends; ’tis not too late to build a better world.” Tommy Douglas

Going to School!
Going to School!

FOB0878: 古吉神功!



“Courage, my friends; ’tis not too late to build a better world.” Tommy Douglas

Going to the Gym!
Going to the Gym!
Obstacle Course!
Obstacle Course!
Hanging in there!
Hanging in there!
Nice Baby Grand Piano!
Nice Baby Grand Piano!
Handsome Boy!
Handsome Boy!

FOB0877: Movie and Costco!



“God sleeps in the minerals, awakens in plants, walks in animals, and thinks in man.” Arthur Young

Snacks and Movie!
Snacks and Movie!
Playing the piano... I felt he is sooo much better than I am...
Playing the piano… I felt he is sooo much better than I am…
Enjoying the dinosaur book in crowded costco...
Enjoying the dinosaur book in crowded costco…
MeiMei got her toy too!
MeiMei got her toy too!

FOB0876: Healthy Lifestyle @ Work!



 “There are three things you can do with your life: You can waste it, you can spend it, or you can invest it. The best use of your life is to invest it in something that will last longer than your time on Earth.” — Rick Warren

Going to School!
Going to School!
I manage to get fruits again! Yay!
I manage to get fruits again! Yay!

FOB0875: Rowing the “boat”



 “When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” —  Paulo Coelho

Going to school!
Going to school!
Look at the pastry today! Donuts are huge!
Look at the pastry today! Donuts are huge!
Rowing is not easy!
Rowing is not easy!
Enjoying in-room dining!
Enjoying in-room dining!
Story Telling...
Story Telling…
妹妹 loves 哥哥
妹妹 loves 哥哥

FOB0874: Work Work Work!



A #2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere.“ Joyce Meyer

Really want a dog so much... just like me when I was a kid...
Really want a dog so much… just like me when I was a kid…
Goodnight at 8pm!
Goodnight at 8pm!

FOB0873: Mission PV!


今天工作继续,不过还是得搞Mission PV (Parent Volunteer)。希望可以成功。继续努力!

“Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed.” Dale Carnegie

Sending in the PV application!
Sending in the PV application!

FOB0872: 冲刺Monday!



“The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.” —Frank Lloyd Wright

Going to school!
Going to school!
Its done up! muahahaha! Row Row Row my boat!
Its done up! muahahaha! Row Row Row my boat!