FOB0884: Finally Opened! 开张大吉!



“You will meet two kinds of people in life: ones who build you up and ones who tear you down. But in the end, you’ll thank them both.” — Anonymous

Getting ready to receive guests!
Getting ready to receive guests!
Getting ready to receive guests!
Getting ready to receive guests!
Medical Team...
Medical Team…
Signing in!
Signing in!
Bidding carplate in progress again!
Bidding carplate in progress again!
Proud to lead the team, missing ZF...
Proud to lead the team, missing ZF…
Proud to lead the team, missing ZF...
Proud to lead the team, missing ZF…
Birthday Celebration for Mondy, Figo and Stephen!
Birthday Celebration for Mondy, Figo and Stephen!
Cake first before lunch!
Cake first before lunch!
Heavyyy lunch...
Heavyyy lunch…
More Fruits!
More Fruits!
Door Gift, pillow and blanket...
Door Gift, pillow and blanket…