FOB1044-1046: House Works and First day of School!

Busy over the weekend rushing the works so that we can quickly stay at the place. Also saw Chilli Padi and also had a quick photoshoot! Finally kid is starting school in SG… delayed for sooo long!

Buying the U1J at Yamaha so that it can be delivered in time for the piano lesson next week!
Buying the U1J at Yamaha so that it can be delivered in time for the piano lesson next week!
Buying the Dyson Air Purifier so expensive but good...
Buying the Dyson Air Purifier so expensive but good…
Setting up the place!
Setting up the place!
Clearing out the storage! Thankful I got a place to store stuff!
Clearing out the storage! Thankful I got a place to store stuff!
One rack down!
One rack down!
First day of school!
First day of school!
First day of school!
First day of school!
Breakfast with mum and dad after sending kid to school!
Breakfast with mum and dad after sending kid to school!
Chilli Padi is possibly the prettiest Maxi 77 in SG or the world!
Chilli Padi is possibly the prettiest Maxi 77 in SG or the world!

FOB1043: Heading Back to Singapore for Good!

Today we head back to Singapore for good. Good bye Shanghai, it has been good while it lasted and I am thankful for all the memories (good or bad). Now its off to the next chapter!

Heading to the Airport!
Heading to the Airport!
With the boxes of luggage!
With the boxes of luggage!
Boarding soon!
Boarding soon!
Enjoying the airplane time!
Enjoying the airplane time!
Sleep also must have the movie on...
Sleep also must have the movie on…
The ride home! 爷爷奶奶 waiting!
The ride home! 爷爷奶奶 waiting!
Save money so take MRT with luggage!
Save money so take MRT with luggage!
Finally my ride is here! Super nice to drive Audi A5!
Finally my ride is here! Super nice to drive Audi A5!