TSD Day177: He lost it…

This entry is not a happy one. The very man that made me wanted to
be part of this organisation has lost it. lost it. really lost it. he no longer
appears larger than life. he is just another person, not smarter, not
In fact, what happended yesterday for the "emergency" made me felt
that he could not keep his cool and panicked like a kid.  The way he
handled the situation was totally off… way off… not the kind of leader
I thought he was, or how he potrayed himself to be.
To me, he is a leader, was a leader. A leader leads, wins respect in
the team and from everyone else. A follower follows (with brains and
initiative of course!).
It’s ok if the rest of the organisation don’t care about what I say, my
suggestions, my works. but I thought he would be the wise one. haha!
NAIVE! that is me! that WAS me! hehe! Now, I began to really see, the
flaws in him. that really woke me up.
Well, always look on the bright side! if there are things I can learn, that
would be of keeping your cool as a leader, and don’t panick like the rest
in an emergency (else, why do we even need a leader for???). That is one
thing I will learn, keep your cool. RZ shall not lose it! (^_^)

  1. 尚彦

    To me, the ability to "keep cool" is the most important character of leadership. 🙂 However, that is not tested so a lot of people can be "fake" "good" leaders. I want to go to shanghai to visit your sometimes. when will u go back to singapore?

  2. 尚彦

    To me, the ability to "keep cool" is the most important character of leadership. 🙂 However, that is not tested so a lot of people can be "fake" "good" leaders. I want to go to shanghai to visit your sometimes. when will u go back to singapore?

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