TSD Day085: Many Things Happen today…

Today lotsa things happened…. there are lots of issues that happened
both in the house and in the company.
Came from Fudan today to the office. Had my "Zhao Pai" Rice. Now
Gona do some work! hehe! Glad that I had "Guo Tie" at Fudan for today
In the company, I am very happy to be invited by Karen to be helping
in the VVIP program. Also did the Flow chart for the nurse counter. Also
Gave Patti an acorn I got from Jeju Island.
When I went back home, did ALOT of things…
1. Discovered that the World Link Webpage has expired.
Thanks to Tina. Did immediate due dillegence and sent an email to the
higher ups. Really worried about the issue.
"The whole point of getting things done is knowing what to leave undone." 
2. Did SHEN Chronicles
Sent out the chronicles to the database and also put it up on the website..
Almost sent it with my parkway mail box… whew!
3. Discussed about House Issues…
Well as the saying goes… 谈钱伤感情. Talked quite awhile on the house issues
for the entire house and also batch…. hai…. I really think its no issue… we should
move on… We didm’t come China just to settle these minute issues… Focus! Dudes

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