为什么而辛苦? 为什么而辛苦? 我自己纪录.
用自己的双手想实现理想, 是不是妄想?
我还不清楚怎样的速度, 才能追上人生变化的脚步.
不过我会坚持每一步该走的方向, 哪怕
有时候难免的沮丧. 因为生活是自己的选择, 我希望
有一天, 我能实现理想, 再也不是妄想.
ITs now 4+ am in the morning. Still listening "Dying in the sun" by cranberries.
(I recommend people to listen to it too. Its very tranquil and gives me better
thoughts and reflections. especially to the relationship that just ended.)
Once again. reflecting on my thoughts, my actions, my rash actions. I should
learn to strike a balance between deep thought and rash actions. Guess I shall
take a nap and think where to go tomorrow. Change of plans. Shit happens.
The good thing? I have 3 days to recover before I fight back in office! (or in
Luwan, our biggest facility in China) No matter how sad I am, how lousy I feel
now, I am going to be ok! (At least from 830-6 during working days.)
Never showing my weakness, never cry.
Woke up. about 842AM now. A feeling of sadness whelmed up from within me.
How could I let things get to me so bad? How did I let it get to me? Doesn’t
matter anymore. Dore said I don’t show any signs of regret and sadness. I
think that’s a strength. But maybe not for a relationship. Not for this one at
least. I know what is wrong. what are wrong rather. but its beyond salvation.
Let’s be strong.
BRUNCH! + Travel Bag Recce!
Damon and I went to check out a place selling sports and travel bags! hehe!
Its called Decathlon! 迪卡浓! Before that , we went to a place for brunch. Did not
have breakfast. So now looking for FOOD!
Basically, we searched by budget. and most satisfy out budget. Pretty value for
money actually. This place is called 又一处!MAn! the interior is beautiful! and I ordered
my standard 盖浇饭!I forgot what toping was it. some veggie and meat, an egg and soup.
Tea comes together as well. all for just 10RMB! haha! The surving is HUGE! haha!
Decathlon is a great place! hell alot of goods! shall be there again on 8th of august as that
is their sale period! hehe! abit Auntie I know… but well… 识时务者为俊杰!Need to save up
and travel China! hehe!
On my way home, I drop by the local bookstore and bought a travel book that Haojie recomended.
Its called 自助游! But wth… there are soo many books with that tittle. finally found one i like (with
colour and of the latest edition) and went home.
Set up my SSH and SoCVPN to do remote access of files to provide some music on my space. hehe.
Sometimes, I am just so glad I am an SoC student. The technical knowlegde gives you the geek-vantage!
I just realised I that i would not have made it to NOC if they have this requirement: Ironing. I cant iron
for nuts! I spent almost 2 hours to iron 4 shirts and 2 pants. man… I need guidance! Cant even catch a
nap before going to meet Uncle Boh for dinner at raffles city. Plus its raining so heavily outside. Glad Weileen
and I took the clothes in. Now to get ready for the dinner!
The dinner at 上海人家is not bad! hehe! Met Uncle Boh there! hehe! He is a very nice man with his own
thoughts and opinions, not easily manipulated by propaganda. Discuss everything under the sun! from
politics, to school system, to the different cultures and I learn a couple of shanghainese from Uncle Boh’s
We had lotsa good stuff! from cold plates to lobsters, crabs with 年糕, and even bull frogs! whew…. its
real good stuff. Thanks Uncle Boh! I hope our token of appreciation of wine is good enough for you. =)
After dinner, the way back is really -_-…. wanted to take cab. But everone is literally vying with you!
So in the end we still took the metro back home. We passed by Raffles City. and woah! Look at what
happens after the rain! haha. Ok, gona sleep soon. need to wake up early for HangZhou! yeah!
hey,dude. Enjoy your food in shanghai. Looks delicious. HongKong is sooooooooooo hot now. Hmmm, i am departing for shenzhen n rest of cities tomo. See you in winter. I will be back for holiday in Dec!
Dying in the sun-Wooooooo
Also be one of my favorite songs.
Enjoy your time here in Shanghai, working , travelling, food, maybe also the hot weather,HAHA