TSD Day015 – Reflections

Last night, I saw Gary talking to his family. So heart warming.
Makes me feel like calling mum and dad. I guess they are asleep
by then. I miss the people that I used to talk to as well. This makes
me think back about my actions, the thoughts behind my actions and
the possible consequences.
I guess for success, if compromises cannot be reached, sacrifices
have to be made. Scarifices like risk losing the people you love, the
friends you used to be so close to back home and (good) life you use
to lead.
So I tell myself one thing: For the more that I sacrificed, I have a greater
urge that tells myself: I must make this one year wothwhile. I will and I
am doing it now.
Wow! Today have decided to treat myself a little better following my instant 
noodle dinner the day before! Had 火腿三文治 for breakfast! I think its a real
good breakfast, with ham, egg, and some veggie. pretty much build towards a
balanced diet. Had the sandwich after the daily meeting at 830am.
That Action, The Consequences
Remember the email I sent to boss? hehe. Got linked to the relevant people in
charge. I hope to be able to play a bigger role. even though I enjoy the honey
moon period now, I must always improve and add on to my skill set. Had a super
long reply from the relevant person. Took one whole morning to dig up information
and to give another set of questions based on the reply. I hope to dwell deeper into
the thoughts, not the kind that can be satisfied with superficial answers (unless if I am
unineterested in the first place.)
Lunch is great! I order "Xing Qi Yi" again. I think they should start paying me for
advertisement! I tried their 鱼香肉丝便当。Very nice! hehe! But I still like the 鸡腿饭
best! hehe! HAd lunch with the fellow interns! Vivian, Vivian and Sherly. Took a picture
of them too. Finally found other interns! Denise treated me (and some from the department)
ice cream! hehe! wow! Thanks!
After Lunch
Learnt more about Project2007 (Another microsoft product). Actually its pretty good and
simple to use. haha! After that its more helping the Cynthia with powerpoint and taking
pictures. haha. Nothing much really at the later part of the day. But I think learning
Project 2007 is a good skill to have… At least Boss wants me to know. I think every step
is preparing me to be his able assistant. =)
Other than that, I did something for Dore too. (I don’t know why). But I guess. I just did
it. I am not sure if she would get to see it. haha. Maybe I am doing it coz I am used to it?
Haha.. I don’t know. Whatever it is, i have done it. (strecthed till after dinner at home).
Went back to Cloud Nine Area! haha! Met with Gary and Alex… (We are the fellowship! hehe!)
we had food at our standard cheapo noodle stall 4.5 rmb.. my 葱油版面 with an egg! hehe.
Not bad. Went back home to watch 300. ok lah… not bad.
After that I stayed up till 2 to have a talk with Dore. I hope things can be sorted out. It’s not
what’s better for me… it’s what’s better for us… (At least thats what I think). Well tough luck.
Life is not a bed of roses.  We talked till 4:12am. Heard a lot of things that she was unhappy
with about the relationship. I learnt quite a bit. I hope I can take in these advice and try to
improve as much as possible with the faults and improve on anything that I think I did right.
I guess that should be it. I guess I will wrap up my feelings for now. True Love can wait. But
you know what? Shit happens…

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