HKDay1285: Boat fixing and Preparing for the Pitch!



“A good attitude is really important. And a sense of optimism, someone who has ideas and isn’t afraid to pitch them no matter what level she is. Someone who is proactive. Someone with efficiency and common sense. They don’t always go hand-in-hand, common sense and, well, everything else.” Eva Chen

Finally found the last cause of the leak was from the oil filter not being secured properly!
Finally found the last cause of the leak was from the oil filter not being secured properly!
Gifting this set of 150 pcs spanner to Uncle Chai whom I think would put it to better use and help him much more than it would help me.
Gifting this set of 150 pcs spanner to Uncle Chai whom I think would put it to better use and help him much more than it would help me.
Lunch with Uncle Chai!
Lunch with Uncle Chai!
Dinner with partner!
Dinner with partner!
Lucas Day 467!!!
Lucas Day 467!!!

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