FOB0477: New Year Sailing!



“If you live a life of make-believe, your life isn’t worth anything until you do something that does challenge your reality. And to me, sailing the open ocean is a real challenge, because it’s life or death.” Morgan Freeman

New Year's first sun rise!
New Year’s first sun rise!
Starting the day with a nice meal first!
Starting the day with a nice meal first!
Posing with the theory boat at the fire place...
Posing with the theory boat at the fire place…
Getting ready with 一帆风顺
Getting ready with 一帆风顺
Finding land!
Finding land!
Sailed 3.9 nautical miles!
Sailed 3.9 nautical miles!
Exploring camping ground!
Exploring camping ground!
Wow! The camping in winter is awesommeee!!!
Wow! The camping in winter is awesommeee!!!
Very nice camping facilities!
Very nice camping facilities!
Taking the award after its engraved! Team Chilli Padi spirit lives on here!
Taking the award after its engraved! Team Chilli Padi spirit lives on here!

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