FOB0885: Chingay@Shanghai!



“You choose the life you live. If you don’t like it, it’s on you to change it because no one else is going to do it for you.” – Kim Kiyosaki

Celebrating Chingay @ Shanghai!
Celebrating Chingay @ Shanghai!
Lou Hei! Huat arrrr!
Lou Hei! Huat arrrr!
The mini floats for Chingay!
The mini floats for Chingay!
My favourite Multi-coloured kueh!
My favourite Multi-coloured kueh!
His Favourite is the playground!
His Favourite is the playground!
His Favourite is the playground!
His Favourite is the playground!
Lion Dance!
Lion Dance!
Lots of nice food, Nasi Lemak, Chicken Rice, Carrot Cake, Chilli Crab and Mantou, Yummy!
Lots of nice food, Nasi Lemak, Chicken Rice, Carrot Cake, Chilli Crab and Mantou, Yummy!
The most patriotic Kong Bah Pao 扣肉包 Ever... More loyal to SG after eating it! burp!
The most patriotic Kong Bah Pao 扣肉包 Ever… More loyal to SG after eating it! burp!
Catching Up!
Catching Up!
Lotsa Sponsors!
Lotsa Sponsors!

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