TMDay0001: Transcendent Metamorphosis

Today marks a day of great change in my life. The beginning of this chapter which I call Trancedent (Great) Metamorphosis (Change). The reason why I did not use plain ol layman “Great Change” is because I wanted to use big words to keep myself excited and remind me how GREAT is it! =)

I finally gotten the office space! This is indeed exciting! I am looking forward to each and every day in this chapter! I can’t wait for things to happen! I need to be the CHANGE!


今天我打给“老板”。我本以为什么都泡汤了,什么都前功尽弃了!幸亏!我终于终于快要拿到我的Offer Letter了!我等了好久了阿!等到我脖子都长了。


“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

This chapter begins in London...

This chapter begins in London...


In London...

In London...





Lunch! 排骨面!@science canteen!

Lunch! 排骨面!@science canteen!


Dinner @ Sizzler!

Dinner @ Sizzler!


Salad Bar...

Salad Bar...


The Folks!

The Folks!


Thanks for the souvenirs from Italy and Switzerland!

Thanks for the souvenirs from Italy and Switzerland!


Me and my "masterpiece"

Me and my "masterpiece"

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