TMDay0075: Macbook Air 2011!!!



Macbook Air 2011
今天我也终于掏出钱买了我期待已久的Macbook Air 2011 版!超级酷,超级棒,超级贵!我会让我花的这些钱都变得物超所值!

“Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.” M. Scott Peck quotes (American psychiatrist and Author, 1936-2005)

Once again... living my life for cheap...

Once again... living my life for cheap...

Macbook Air My first Mac Computer...

Macbook Air My first Mac Computer...

inside the box...

inside the box...

Opening it up...

Opening it up...

Setting it up...

Setting it up...



If we are MADE for each other, why still need to pay??? @#$%@@#$

If we are MADE for each other, why still need to pay??? @#$%@@#$

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