如果我真的可以不睡觉, 我会这么做:
0000-0300 日语
0300-0700 作业
0700-0800 早餐!准备去游泳和教书
0800-0900 游泳
0900-1200 教书
1200-1300 午餐!准备上课!
1300-1800 上课!
1800-2100 晚餐! 上网!
2100-2300 做Professor的事情!
2300-0000 宵夜!
Today I swam at school and have my lessons before
meeting Prof Pan to discuss about the Case IT issues!
I really hope that I can enter the team… only ONE person
will be selected from the entire faculty in School of
Computing to represent NUS to the competition in
Canada… Also discuss with him about his plans on
IT Business Cases and how I can help…
Man… Now All I want is somewhere to showcase my talents.
"Ability is a poor man’s wealth."
首先 先要谢谢你的祝贺 谢谢 十分感谢!!!那幢办公楼 是我最喜欢的上海办公楼!!是上海的双子星 大厦(马来西亚的双子星 比较高大。。。。)嘿嘿
还有就是。。。。如果不睡觉 你这样做 一定会死的。。。嘿嘿
I love the sentence you quoted everyday…