FOB1009: Curtain Tracks Online!



“I want to tell people how to live spiritually. After you’ve bought all your houses and your clothes, you want something bigger.” Tina Turner

Curtain team is here!
Curtain team is here!
Too bad living room cant put on top... stupid design...
Too bad living room cant put on top… stupid design…
Common room installation...
Common room installation…
Common room installation...
Common room installation…
Living room done!
Living room done!
Bedtime reading... realised 4 pages were torn...
Bedtime reading… realised 4 pages were torn…

FOB1008: Piano Practice!!!



“The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment.” Marie Kondo

Good Morning World!
Good Morning World!
Going out~
Going out~
Piano Lesson...
Piano Lesson…
Cleaning the room!
Cleaning the room!
Nice and Clean!
Nice and Clean!
Exploring the house shot...
Exploring the house shot…

FOB1007: Mission Alter Curtains!



“Be thrifty, but not covetous.” George Herbert

With my kiddy...
With my kiddy…
Exploring Jalan Wong Ah Fook...
Exploring Jalan Wong Ah Fook…
Super nice Wok Hey Char Kway Teow!
Super nice Wok Hey Char Kway Teow!
Curtain Altering Discussion...
Curtain Altering Discussion…
The Cheaper Tailor...
The Cheaper Tailor…

FOB1006: Mission get curtains!



Some trash is recycled, some is thrown away, some ends up where it shouldn’t end up.” Carlo Ratti

Playing the drum!
Playing the drum!
Back at the house!
Back at the house!
Watching the news wow... When I was his age I hated to watch the news...
Watching the news wow… When I was his age I hated to watch the news…
Gifts from Ms Tan!
Gifts from Ms Tan!

FOB1005: KKH, Internet, Defect Inspection


今天超级忙,要带小宝去医院看病,之后两个房子同时搞网络升级。之后还有Defect Inspection。继续努力!

“Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.” John Lennon

At KK Hospital...
At KK Hospital…
Defect Inspection!
Defect Inspection!
(Nightmare) Tenant has finally left!
(Nightmare) Tenant has finally left!

FOB1004: Boat and work…



“We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Equipment check!
Equipment check!
Oh dear Rudder is broken!
Oh dear Rudder is broken!
Getting stuff in the boat!
Getting stuff in the boat!
Seeing so many chicks!
Seeing so many chicks!
Dinner Training!
Dinner Training!
Hair Trimming!
Hair Trimming!
My Caifan Dinner...
My Caifan Dinner…

FOB1003: Rainy Sunday!



“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Feeding the fishes!
Feeding the fishes!
Mcdonalds Breakfast!
Mcdonalds Breakfast!
Resting on a rainy Sunday...
Resting on a rainy Sunday…

FOB1002: Weekend Adventure!



“Parents were invented to make children happy by giving them something to ignore.” Ogden Nash

Our self drive adventure!
Our self drive adventure!
Story reading!
Story reading!

FOB1001: Checking out CP!



“There are two places where I can completely relax: in nature and by the piano.” Sigrid

Good morning world!
Good morning world!
Checking out CP!
Checking out CP!
Happy music kids!
Happy music kids!
Playing the drum!
Playing the drum!
Exploring the music school!
Exploring the music school!
Vegetable dinner!
Vegetable dinner!
Checking out the place!
Checking out the place!
Having fun checking out the place!
Having fun checking out the place!

FOB1000: Getting Ready!



“Just remember, you can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets.” Arnold Schwarzenegger

This paint should be good!
This paint should be good!
Terminator Kids!
Terminator Kids!
Exploring the house!
Exploring the house!
playground time!
playground time!