Donate to Odyssey Fund!
Ok People! Please do donate to the fund if you have the FUNDS! If not, you
can also donate a token amount which would also help! (like what I did!)
information! hehe! Thanks alot!
拜年 @ NOC Office and Mr Ho’s home!
Started my day studying Jap! (Not bad for a start huh? =) then its off to school
for a lunch meeting with folks at NOC (NUS Overseas College) with Gabriel,
Huimin, and the rest of us! Thanks Huimin for the lunch treat (and the very
useful gift which I cant review to the public!) Also took the opportunity to
drop by Prof Teo and Prof Kau’s offices, too bad they are not in. But we left
them a note! hehe!
Then it’s off to Mr. Ho’s house! Pretty! It’s so nice to see him again after so
long! and the food is fantastic! We also brought an Ice cream cake from
Swensen’s! Nice cake! Yummy! hehe! Had so much fun talking with the rest
of the seniors and juniors and we also took a group photo together!
On my way home, I also met Liyong! hehe! Nice coincidence! hehe! Chatted
a little before he heads home! its a nice catchup! =)
"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get."
Dale Carnegie