I think today I am すばらしい(super powerful) and the things I did,
I did it in a すばやい(super quick) way! I woke up only at 9+ today!
Guess I was too tired for the whole week! the rest was good! did not
really start work until 12 noon! and it was 5 pages of JAP! haha!
After that is of course my computing textbooks… gotta BURN through
them!!! haha!
In the evening, I am going to attend Joanna’s 21st Birthday celebration
at Aloha! haha! Joanna IS my freshie (she still is, always my freshie!)
Lotsa food, and poeple! Too bad I am having a sore throat, else I
would definitely HELP myslef to all the food! haha!
"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter."
E E Cummings
FOOD!People!Me trying to steal the lime light!Jo's Birthday Cake!SoC!!!!Suhili!!!!Jo and her OGL! hehe!Jo's Parents and her!Zhigen and I!HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY!Wooo!!!Just the Decoration and the Birthday Girl...

LSiN Day050: Back to Books!!!!

There are lotsa things going on this weekend: Sat is Jo’s 21st
bdae! haha! Gotta go Aloha for the celebration. maybe just stay
for the cake cutting! haha! Sun is KTV with Hanyang, Jessie,
Shelley Zhang Zhe and Zhang man! haha! Fantastic!! looking
forward to it! haha!
Hence, today, I need to study like mad! Other than the swim and
teach today, I am studying Jap and the Deitel book! haha! Seriously,
I am enjoying what I do now! hehe! super busy, super tired, but
SUPER DUPER satisfied! hehe! I seriousy hope  all these hard work
will pay off someday… maybe in the most surprising way! haha!
Who knows? Anyway, enjoying what u do is the most important!
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."

Carl Sagan

LSiN Day049: 为什么?

Today had my swim in school! ahha! next time I shall take a picture of
the pool! haha! after that was lesson, project meeting, super nice packed
lunch, Meltwater meeting, project meeting, lecture and finally WINE!!!
haha! The best part was wine! haha! Especially learning more wine
knowledge from Rey, my wine buddy! haha! then after that just to get
pissed with some things that some people do… I shall just go on! too
much things to do and have given in too much.
"If moderation is a fault, then indifference is a crime."

Jack Kerouac

SUPER DUPER NICE LUNCH!Yong Tau Foo With extra Noodles!Wine with Potato wedges!Wine with Cheese!White wine with Apple Pie and Ice Cream! haha!


LSiN Day048: Career Career!

As usual, Swam, Taught, had lessons! But there are of course
Juicy things that happened today…
Today, I went to the IT Network in school. It’s sort of a career
fair and there are quite a few companies, like Barclays, Accenture,
Meltwater, ORACLE and many prominent organisations in Singapore!
Networked with them to understand more! haha! I shall keep trying!
Had a free dinner from there before I went for my last lesson for the
day from 6-9pm! haha! What a day! Shall still study Jap later!
"The way to succeed is to double your error rate."
FOOD!Career Career!

LSiN Day047: Meetings!!! STRESS ar!!!!

Today had my tutorial and had a discussion after
that for the presentation next next week! haha!
After that was the CHUPR meeting with the current
NES (NUS Entrepreneurship Society) president,
Jin Jing! hehe! nice meeting!
In the evening, met Jessie on my way home!
Hanyang, Jessie and I chatted on CAREER on our
way home! haha! STRESS…. I seriously need
a direction to know what I REALLY want, to find
the love of my life!
"Nobody can be successful unless he
loves his work." – David Sarnoff
Strawberry CHEESE cake! hehe!Meeting with Jin Jing and Hanyang!


Today I shall JUST study Jap and the internet book! hahaha!
Study Study STUDY!!!! I think I am enjoying it! haha! I studied
till about 300+ pages! haha! fierce! haha! and I also did another
3 pages of Jap! haha! Piaaaa!!! haha! (要拼才会赢!)
"Life is 10 percent what you make it, and 90 percent
how you take it." Irving Berlin
My Deitel Book! hehe!My Favourite Books from Now till Dec at least! haha!

LSiN Day045: 寒酸日记!免费看书!

"A penny saved is a penny earned." Benjamin Franklin
After a round of reading at Borders for my Deitel book that costs
S$220, I finally went home tired but happy! I finished 2 chapters
of the book! haha! not bad! And At home, I shall down another
few pages of Jap Vocab!!! haha! Before I embark on my Swim,
Teach, Study Routine tomorrow! hehe! Jia You!!!!
Me reading in Borders!This book COSTS S$220!!!!!Reading sommore! haha!

LSiN Day044: 我的侄子!

我有个很可爱的小侄子!今年才3 岁!哈哈!不大会说话!
本来应该叫我叔叔, 却一直叫我"Du Du"。很可爱!哈哈!
Ok, today the FIRST thing I did in the morning was to
study another 2 pages of Jap, followed by 2 more in the
afternoon, and 2 more tonight! haha! I think I am on
FIRE! haha! ad I also did my reading for tutorial. haha!
Went to find the book "Internet & World Wide Web
How to Program" By Deitel… too bad! the bookshops
either dont carry that book or was closed… man…
At least I got my fossil watch repaired… lousy… They
told me not to use it to swim even though it has 50m
water resistant… They must be joking…
"Life is 10 percent what you make it, and
90 percent how you take it." Irving Berlin

LSiN Day043: THE SEARCH IS ON! (For Jobs!)

Ok, Did not swim today, haha! Thanks to the rain! I manage to get
some extra sleep in bed! hehe! After I forced another page of Jap
into my brain last night! haha!
Today is totally work and relaxing of my Brain!!! Even though its
not at all over worked! haha! Today I also took a picture along
Serangoon Road on the Deepavali decorations! Would have been
better if I have taken them at night! haha!
I AM REALLY LOOKING very vry hard to find a job! haha! I really
wonder what job would be good for me! Or if I can get into the
company that I really want! haha! Life is full of uncertainties!
But I guess its really all these that makes life so interesting and
memorable! haha! Shall remember my JOB SEARCH! haha!
Bakerzine Mooncakes!
I think the packaging for Bakerzine mooncake is not bad! hehe!
In fact I think its quite classy! haha! But I think the most
important thing is that I think it is a good gift to friends and
relatives! haha!
"Memory is more indelible than ink."

Anita Loos

Decoration along little india!!! Deepavali!Bakerzine Mooncake!Nice Packaging!Nice Mooncakes! hehe!

LSiN Day042: 100 Pages of Jap!!!

Wow! Today I swam in school! not bad! had 30 laps in the pool! hehe!
Nice start to a day! haha! Followed by lectures then LUNCH!!!! muaha!
Had the lemon chicken rice! not bad! and after that was studying Jap
in school! hehe! finally reached 100 pages!!! haha!
BUT! I have another 202 pages to go… oh no… haha! Ganbatte! hehe!
After thatwas lesson and voting for the new computing club committee!
haha! I drag another few friends aong to vote together! haha! I am
sure my freshmen PJ will get in !!! haha! I am confident! haha! And!
For Chupr, there are not even more items than users! to be precise
its 160 items and 131 users! muahahaha! Who said we cannot
make it? hehe!
"First thoughts are not always the best."

Vittorio Alfieri

My Lemon Chicken with EXTRA Rice and Vegetables! hehe! HEALTHY HEALTHY!100 pages of JAP! (202 more to go...)