TSD Day007 – Merger and Acquisition: In the Thick of Action!

Waking up…
Today I woke up at 6:48AM and guess what? I went back to bed. haha.
What else do you expect? I slept at 1245 last night! haha. Finally woke
up at the sound of the alarm clock of my Nokia 6280. Left the house
and wanted to buy breakfast at a stall near the station at first, reason being
I havent tried the food there and my friends said its cheaper… ( I am
saving up for travelling within China and to Tibet and Nepal!)
On my way to office!
Ok, I went to the store and was disappointed that it only has like soya bean
drink and man tou… (wtf…. I need meat!!!) So I decided to buy whatever
food there is in the office area. Took the bus and I alighted at the right stop!
hehe! (ytd I alighted one stop earlier! cock!) While I was walking to a
convenient store, before I could go in, I heard a voice:" Good morning renzhi!"
Its my boss… haha… So I followed him stright to the 830 meeting! I had wanted
to be in the meeting ytd!
In office!
So glad that I can be involved in the various meetings (internal, external, regional).
Glad also that I can see how Dr Lim, our Group CEO think and learn what are the
key issues that top people usually look at to revamp an organisation. Revise the
slides after that before I went to a weekly meeting for all the managers in the different
branches in China. Good stuff. Got to see how organisation functions and learn to
identify and solve the bottlenecks. Almost forgot to mention! Have to give credit to
the company for sponsoring my breakfast provided for the people making an effort to
come for the early meeting and the lunch for the team bonding. =)
During lunch
When to a Italian place for Pizza with Anneke and Danielle. I am so happy that I am able
to go to Tomorrow Square for the website meeting this Friday. The food in the restaurant is
not bad! Except for the poor air conditioning. I think I need to brush up on my chinese. haha.
Even Danielle corrected me that the receipt in China is called 发票!I CMI sia!
After Lunch
Ok, After lunch is pretty ok… just touching up the slides and doing more administrative
staff like filling up forms for claims for the lunch and to HR for me joining the company.
Only that there are always some last minute things that I need to keep making modifications!
Anneke was a great help for the slides! Thanks!
After Work
Had a meeting with Shane and gang and Choo pin on the charity idea for the kids.
Ate KFC.. cost 30 rmb… there goes my budget for the day. Luckily I just received news
that I have gotten the IES award. Mum called… miss home a bit.. and eldest bro is
down with dengue… man… I hope he is ok….
End the day tired… but happy.. coz I did stuff in office and talked to dore and Family. =)

TSD Day006 – Missing Home

In The Morning Before Work
Woke up at 6:58AM today with a tinge of nostalgia… Beginning to miss home,
my family, my friends and Dore… Feeling a little sad and down. But life goes on.
Had a bun sponsored by Gary, didn’t have much of a breakfast. Don’t feel like

First time I am taking bus 96 from Zhong Shan Park to my workplace. Unfamiliar
with the route. Luckily some helpful bus passengers help me with the directions.
Alighted at a different stop from where i boarded last night and have to find my
way around the area. Luckily I still have the map that Denise sketched. else that’s it!

In Office
Arrived office at about 845AM suppose to be here at 9. but I want to attend this daily
meeting at 830 to have a better feel of what is the direction of the Giant (Parkway) and
what are the issues that they are facing and what are they doing to overcome such
issues. Shall be there tomorrow!

Installed office 2007 provided by the company since I am using my own laptop (instead
of getting one from the company) But I get to keep the preloaded software! hehe.
Started on the powerpoint presentation working with Anneke! I am so glad she is here
to help! haha. I am learning quite a bit from here. Managed to grab the department
heads to brief them about the presentation format and information needed from them.
Also assigned to do up a SOP form for some of the communication procedures between
employees belonging to different branches. Not bad for a start! =)

Lunch Onwards

Time to give credit to Joyce for the treat for my Lemon Chicken with Spagetti. Not bad. The Cafe is called
Maui Coffee. Pretty nice place to relax and chill. Too bad its only for lunch. They chatted alot about the
way of live in Shanghai and how shanghai girls think and choose partners. Hmm… not too different from
SG girls actually… haha… Maybe most city girls think the same.

After lunch is like war zone… been doing the graphs for the figures and compiling the ppt slides on the
new office 2007. Still pretty clueless about some functions. Been called into a meeting by Boss for an
audit meeting. I am so glad to be involved. Its a pretty interesting meeting to understand more about
systems, its potential loop holes and thinking of solution to circumvent the potential problems. That
meeting took about an hour or so. Glad to know that the IT audit person in the meeting is actually an
SoCian! hehe! Feels like home! They are part of the internal audit team from Parkway.

After the meeting, I rushed to get the ppt done. ME and Anneke rushed and chased the rest of the senior
management people for the content! Whew not easy! Thanks Anneke! Also had to rush the SOP form for
the procedures between different facilities and the driver. Got praised by Jane for the professional looking
form! But I guess love at first sight can be cured with a second glance. lack alot of content coz its just a first draft.
By this time, its already about 7:50pm and I am still in office. Wanted to check with our COO on the graph and the
figures. But I guess they won’t be out so soon as they are in the midst of a meeting with MR Big Shot from our Co.
Finally out from work, walking towards my 96 busstop…

After Work 

Met Haojie for dinner. so glad I met him! Able to gain some perspective on business and entrepreneurship
once again!  I am also thankful for the treat of snails and Italian food at a restaurant near our house. Thanks dude!
Finally got home, bathed and now bloggin and finishing this entry. I hope this day ends well. Shall talk to dore later and
go to bed… tired, happy but satisfied. I am determined to make a difference! I HUANG RENZHI am determined to succeed!
Have to make my one year worthwhile! This has and will always be at the back of my mine!

TSD Day005 – First day of work!

Work up at 714am today by Gary! Suppose to wake up at 7 actually!
But I guess I don’t know how to operate on the new phone that I have
gotten! haha. Then we went to 奶茶新语 again for breakfast as usual!
Ordered a 手抓并 with egg and a ham sandwich! Wow! Actually I think
breakfast would be the only thing that I would invest in! Lousy food for the
rest of the day is really ok for me! hehe! Have budgeted! shall not spend
more than 30RMB per day! hehe! I try lah!

Finally reached Tomorrow Square with a bit of perspiration and but a lot
of excitement! Only to find the truth: I went to the wrong place, they have
relocated to their new place after buying out Worldlink. I was like… nevermind!

Finally took a cab and went to 建国西路! Am glad that I found the place!
Not long after, Jonathan (My CEO) took me to sit in a meeting with a Taiwanese
Doctor (Shall not review details in case if its confidential!) really glad to be
involved, even though I am not sure what’s really going on. But I could
roughly make out what is happening after the meeting is near the end.

For lunch, I had a 日式猪趴饭便当 for RMB 12 (10 + 2 for delivery). Not bad!
I am over budget for today! Shall start the budget plan tomorrow! hehe!
Then, my new colleague, Catherine, treated me to Milk ice-cream! With
raisins inside! At about 5pm, JWS bought me for another orientation and
I was assigned the first job by JWS: to compile the power point
slides for the presentation of the different departments here to the Singapore
office! hehe! Even though its not something unusually big or fantastic, its my first
task! Shall do it good, real good! hehe. In addition to that, I am also helping Jane
now with the itinerary for a big shot’s visit tomorrow! OT on the first day! hehe!
the time is already 612pm suppose to knock off at 6pm! And I havent even started
on the assignment! Denise went home already. I am on my own once again!

Going home soon! I am soo glad Denise showed me the light that I can take bus no.
96 back home! takes about 45mins (Includes waiting time). well… better than walking

20 mins to take the train at 淮海路 station on line 1 then transfer to line 2 to my
station in Zhong Shan Park.She said she can direct me there since she is taking the
same direction… whew! Thank god!

Finally got a bowl of 猪舌粉 for dinner. Got home (no one! hehe!) watched the local cross talk 相声and
found it pretty good! hehe! You know, last time when I was secondary 3, I was one of the 2 who did a
cross talk performance for my school. Being eloquent (or at least seemingly so), I was also the emcee for
our school speech day (Every last Saturday of July) and also the MC (Master of Ceremonies) for quite a
number of events. These were the flashbacks that came to my mind… Sorry for being so emotional over
dinner and some cross talk… haha! After dinner I bathed and washed all my clothes including the towel that
I have used for the last few days! hehe.

Finally able to switch on my com once again to finish this entry. Saw Yvonne’s blog, I like this song
"Dying in the Sun" in her blog! I think its really really tranquil….
Wanted to talk to dore, but she is still watching TV now. I guess I will just use the com, call her later
for awhile and go to bed.

Just to share with the readers and myself my 感触:I shall make this one year in shanghai worth its
every while and hone my skills as an urban soldier in the commercial world of healthcare. I have taken
the side I want to be on. Now its gaining ground and increasing the pace. I cannot let myself and those
that believe in me down. I must succeed! (I will lah!). Like what Thomas Edison (A famous inventor to
most, but also a successful businessman to me) :" What people choose to call genius is simply hardwork!".

TSD Day004 – Out with Friends of NES

This morning has been especially productive! hehe!
I actually set out to iron only one set of clothes… but the enthusiasm and
the nolvety of ironing made me ironed all my 7 shirts and 3 pants! haha!
I actually took an hour to iron everything! wow!
After that, at abt 11am, I was real hungry and wanted to get some food!
Initially, I wanted to be adventurous and whack any restaurant I see when
I get down! hehe… but laziness got the better of me… Just went to 奶茶新语
again… ahah… with Gary and Alex… Had Chicken sandwich and prata!
My fav! haha…
After that I went out with Yvonne, Maomao and Hong Cheng. Suppose to meet
at Raffles City… but I cock… I exited at Ren Ming Guang Chang and went to
Tomorrow Square instead. haha… (its my workplace!)
I told them I couldnt find my way and they instead made their way to find me.
While they were looking for me, I checkout Gleneagles. cool! too bad its not
open. After we met, I showed them Gleneagles and we started our outing!
Started with the Shanghai Grand Theater Gallery. Too bad we cant take
pictures there, their oil painting is superbly real!
Then we took pictures at the Grand Theater! good stuff! hehe… After that
actually we wanted to checkout this Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition
Hall. But we didn’t go as the entrance fee is pretty out of budget for us!
(We wanted a max 20rmb outing!) So we went to the Shanghai Museum
which is about 5rmb for students! (NUS matric card works as well! hehe)
The place is still ok… Not particularly interesting for me, but worth a trip
if you drop by Shanghai.
After the visit, we rested our feet with a dinner at a steamboat place. Its
ala carte payment and we went dutch! (Have to acknowledge them for the
initiative to give me a treat). Their way of eating steamboat is pretty special,
they have a sauce which you can choose to dip your food in, pretty different
from Singapore steamboat style. But the view from my table is pretty good!
can see Tomorrow Square! I love that building, looks like Transformer! haha!
After dinner, we initially wanted to make our way to the Bund. But the rain made
us go checkout a church instead. Its Moore Memorial Church. The building there is
pretty old and classical… I like! hehe. After the rain subsided (Still dark and gloomy
skies), while walking to the Bund, I saw a few good pictures! Like the Big Coke
bottle made of neon lights. and also a cartoon character in which I used to see
on Sunday cartoons on Singapore Channel 8 mornings: 三毛.
Then the rain got really heavy… We found somewhere (lousy) for shelter and decided
a change of plans to move to 新世界 Shopping Centre for Winter wear (I have been asking them
where since dinner! so maybe they couldn’t stand it and took me there). I bought 2 outer
jackets for the price of 1! they were giving me 50% off! hehe… Then got free set of towels and
a winter blanket! hehe…
Finally after that I finally went home… tired and shag carrying so many things…
Mum called while I was on my way back. Almost couldnt find the right exit to come out
from my Zhong Shan Station. haha silly me. Then while bloggin and uploading the
pictures for THIS entry, Gary, Alex and I were brainstorming about business ideas! hehe!
Waste no time! At the same time I called home also! My prepaid value drops damn fast!
gona be broke soon….
Gona give dore a call later… Miss her, while she makes me envy with her Chu Qian Yi Ding
with prawns and egg added! man! I wish I could have some.. abit hungry now!
Looking forward to the first day of work tomorrow!

TSD Day003 – Dinner with Consul!

Today is pretty tiring! But I am sooo glad to be meeting up
HAojie and checking out the places and learning street knowledge
from him! hehe…

Starting off in the morning, both of us had breakfast at 奶茶新语!Actually,
I love having breakfast there! The burgers and the sandwiches! Theres Prata
There too! hehe… can add egg and/or ham! good stuf! haha!

Next up, we checked out 美罗城! It’s like the SIM LIM square of Singapore! I was actually looking for a cheap handphone for my new line here in Shanghai,
but god! I saw an amazing MP4 player with 4GB and one year warranty at only S$120
How to beat that price? ahaha… I am begining to fall for China Price! I think getting a
China Brand is ok coz if I were to spend more on a "branded" player, I have no
guarantee that I am not getting a fake. On the other hand, if I were to get a China
Brand, the price itself deters people from faking these stuff with much lower profit margin
(Hehe… me and Renzhi’s law of $$ Making)

In between the shopping, my stomachace allowed me to have a glimpse of the toilets in the shopping mall. GOD! Its ehh… not very good. But being tolerant of the condition of the
toilet and intolerant of my stomach, I simply couldn’t careless and did my business there.
2nd visit to the toilet already! (I had one round at home) I feel dehydrated… haha…
Finally, with a lighter body, I shopped with ease and bought this China phone "Amoi", one
of the brands under the famous Guomei, a super big name for electronics in China. Following
that, we (Me, Damon, Michelle, HAojie and Bingxiong) went on to another place (I forgot the name)
to check out a place thats famous for selling cameras! Really tired by time we get back home

Finally came the TIME of the day! Dinner at Choo Pin’s place! He’s working at the consulate and
his place is great! hehe! The food is really fantastic with a seeming endless amount of booze!
I had prawn noodles and nasi lemak (Super full), 2 cans of Heineken, and some vodlka. Of course,
had a lot of junk food along the way. I think I got really full and puke after some time… Maybe
its a combination of being too full and too much booze (guess I need to train to hold my alcohol!)
After dinner, we had some games and lotsa chit chatting!! hehe! His place is just soo cosy!

After that, I went home half drunk with Alex (who is even more drunk than I am and about to puke
any time!) in a Taxi! hehe… Really glad that we were home early (the rest went KTV till 5am!) and had time
to wash up before I sleep. Chat with dore for a while and went to bed. Getting to miss Dore and Family and Friends…



TSD Day002

Ok! Finally Catching up with my blog!
Today, we had breakfast at a restaurant outside our condo. Not bad.
Had a chicken drumstick burger and a lemon honey drink for less than
S$3. We also went to bank in more $ into ICBC. hehe.
After that, went back home to settle administrative stuff on the house like
what’s wrong with the house where, and who is responsible, what no. to
call for the repairman, the list goes on…
Then came the trip for the day! the trip to Fudan university led by Xiaoyun,
our NCSH7 batch people, me and Damon. Have to acknowledge her for bringing the extra
iron for us. hehe. At the Station to take bus to Fudan. There, we met Serene,
Xiaoyun’s colleague, a fellow intern from IESingapore. Damon bught some
egg tart there and its REAL good! hehe… we had them on the bus when it
started to drizzle.
When we reach Fudan, its still drizzling and we shared umbrellas into Fudan and
bought more umbrellas at the shops there. Also had our lunch there as well.
Had Gong Bao Ji Ding on Sticky Rice, not bad.
After that, we went to the Mao Ze Dong Statue in Fudan: Magnificent! The place
is pretty green and tranquil. Very nice except for the mosquitoes! After that, we had
a trip to Wal-Mart in the Pentagon Shopping mall! There I bought something for Dore.
I thing she’ll like it. I hope.
After a tedious journey walking within and to Wal-Mart, we gave up and took the
cab towards the Bund for some evening scenary and dinner. But in the end, we
ended up in Serene’s service apartment to nua… its somewhere near the Bund.
We ordered pizza there and just talk cock there. haha. Also got to know more
about how to maintain long distance relationships. haha. After Dinner, me, damon
and Xiaoyun were on our way back home.
The trip back was pretty fast. We walked towards Ren Ming Guang Chang and took
a few good pictures of Tomorrow Square: The place I’ll be working in and also the
neon lights of Shanghai. hehe. Almost lost my China EZ-Link there while I was
busy taking pictures. Thanks Xiaoyun for finding it. hehe. had 70+ rmb stored value
in it! A penny saved is a penny earned!
When we reached our station, I bought a mystery item again! hehe. After we departed
with Xiaoyun at our condo, we went up and michelle is bunking in with us tonite! hehe!
Called my parents and Dore… I think tomorrow will be a hetic day as I would be going to
shop for a handphone and also dinner with the consulate with NCSH7 and 8. hehe…
But we are moving nearer to familiarising with the place and gearing ourselves for the
job! hehe.

TSD Day001

First Real Day in Shanghai! hehe…
Thanks to Shengye from NCSH6, Damon Weileen and I went to explore
Qi Pu Lu, the Far East Equivalent of Shanghai. We took a cab there and
it costs about 30rmb. Shengye gave us a free ride (maybe since its his
last day in Shanghai).
I bought 2 Polo Tees, and a long sleeve shirts, all 3 are imtations of brands.
If I am not wrong with the brands, bought an Armani (one shirt and a polo tee)
and a Tommy Polo Tee. After that, we walked around the area and Shengye
demostrated how to bargain for the prices of shoes in the basement. Learnt
After that, we Shengye was actually kind enough to bring us to the Pai Chu Suo
(Police Post) so that we know where to register our address to our name.
We then had lunch together somewhere near our house, went back and
rested for a while before we head out again to settle the address registration
and the bank account creation with ICBC… also had internet banking! hehe…
In the evening, we went to Bao Gong Gong… Hao jie’s recommendation!
Follwing that, we did some grocery and furniture shopping at Carrefour.
Bought slippers and adapters for ourselves and got some equipment for
the house. On our way back home, I saw something which I think Dore
will like. Keeping a lookout for this thing. hehe…
After we went back home, finalised the rent division and stuff. talk to dore,
bathed and then rested! It’s a good day! all of us are tired. Some with the
shopping, others with the house hunting! All for the new begining.

TSD Day000: The Great Arrival!

Alrite! Finally in Shanghai!
Really Glad that Ryan and Haojie went to pick us up! hehe..
Michelle left with Bingxiong to Sheshan directly. one woman down..
This place is super duper hot!!! melting! 
We took carried our luggage all the way to the Maglev (Magnetic Levitation)
Train to take us to Long Yang Lu (Line2) that would connect us directly to
Zhong Shan Gong Yuan.
The Maglev is damn power! 431km/h!! And we couldn’t even feel the
speed. When we were at the station, we carried the luggage all the way
into the train. (Super pai seh… haha… luckily all of us pai seh together)
When we reach our stop, we dragged our luggage all the way from
the station to our condo! Woah! Our condo is terrific! MAgnificent! Actually
we were just looking at the aircon, cool…
After we put down our barang barang, the landlord came and we signed
the contract… all in chinese… wtf… alot also dun understand…
Only thing they made clear: pay RMB 12,800 + 5500 deposit… haha
After we settled the house administratives with Landlord Jessica, our seniors
brought us to Steak King, a restaurant near our place. There, we met Gabriel!
Had dinner and then head back house to rest.
After that, Haojie and gang jio-ed me to go Sha Xian, their usually supper
hangout! Had some fried dumplings and steamed ones together with beer.
The cost is amazing… I only spend like less than S$2…
What a day… I miss dore and my family!

The Journey to the East: Prologue

This blog is meant to be used as a journal to keep track of the struggles, obstacles
and the successes that we shall have during our one year stint in Shanghai as an
intern. With a more practical immediate use, this blog is also used for loved ones,
friends and family to have access to what is happening to my life in Shanghai.
The Night Before Departure: Equinox
Let me first thank Wenrong, my old time army buddy that made this meal on the
70th floor of Swissotel possible.
We had a main course, a drink and a dessert there. Let me tell you, the view is
superbly breadth taking! Double-decker buses are as big as the nail of my pinky.
After dinner, actually Dore and I wanted to get perfume (Addidas Sports Fever) for
my trip. But I guess we had too much fun we forgot the time and were too late to
get it from Metro since both Addidas stores in Raffles City and Citylink does not
sell that.
The Night Before Departure: Last packing of Luggage
Have to thank my parents and Dore for showing soo much concern prior to my trip
to Shanghai. Would like to take this opportunity to thank Dore for staying over the
night prior to leaving and finishing up the calendar that she made it herself. We slept
at 2+ (actually me, I think she started at about 1).
The extra time is for me to use it to keep the pictures that we took together and date
it, burn it into a CD, so that no matter what happens, she will still have the pictures. =)
At Changi Airport
Thanks Ade, KC, Murni, Zhigen, Dave, Kenny, Peter, Huiping and my best fren Pujue to
come and see me off. Also not forgetting, I have groups of friends from my JC (Thanks
Yuan Ern for the treat) and RSS friends meeting up for farewell meals, really
appreciate the effort and trouble you all took to organise all these.
Back to the topic at the airport, waving good bye to my friends, family and dore, this is the
first time I am leaving home for a year. For someone who didnt travel very far and stayed
elsewhere for very long (Army was max 2 weeks), its really a bold move that I am taking
for the sake of a brighter future.
Reality struck me hard as I was heading toward the departure gate and showing the officials
my passport and boarding pass: I am really on my own… Its the first time I see mum crying
as I head further and further into the departure hall…
One thing that I am telling myself as I walk away: I MUST make this one year worthwhile.
For this trip, I left behind my entire colourful life in Singapore and throw myself into an whole
new environment… All for the sake of a better future, to be a more holistic and gobal individual.
The feeling grew stronger with every stepI take. Every glance I looked back at my parents, at
my friends and at Dore, whom I cant leave behind (emotionally) most.
I finally went far enough to not look back, and mentally gear myself up for the challenge…
Shanghai! Bring it on!
At Thailand International Airport: Bangkok (For Transit)
Midway between Shanghai and Singapore. Feeling hanging in the middle. I am grateful that I have
a group of friends here who are as (if not more) progressive than I am. Who have a common goal
to be determined to succeed!
With that, this transit was not only a physical one, but also an emotional one that begin to open up
to this band of people who would be sticking through thick and thin for the next one year to come.
Really glad that I am not alone. Sad, but I am not alone.