Month: September 2007
TSD Day063: 决定靠自己!
TSD Day062: 台风来咯!!!
TSD Day061: Monday Blue 星期一蓝
午餐和HR 的人(包括Lulu)在“小舅妈食府”吃了一顿!非常好吃!
地方办公!写什么流程阿?搞了半天, Joan 带我四处参观后,我在
visitor 的座位上办公。把本本放在大腿上!颈项都快断了!逼与无奈
下,我忍着头痛,很快的写完了Reception (招待处) 的流程。希望能快
点放工。去人民广场的一个会, 是SHEN 和一间叫做Progeniq 的
和Progeniq 的老板吃饭。咳!别提了。其实也不怎么样。在Raffles City
的Ajisen 吃了一顿(自费!)就走了。 还和大伙一起做了我们要交
给老师的PIC (Product Innovation Charter) 才回家。
TSD Day060: Day of Fun!
TSD Day059: Study-ING!
TSD Day058: Sharing my idea with the CEO
TSD Day057: Farewell dinner for Lulu!
Ok… stupid microsoft! make me rewrite my blog entry again!!!
Announcement!! I Got the Mayday Concert Tickets!!! 五月天离开地球表面!
Today as I am attending the lecture on New Product Development (NPD). I have
an urge to tell my boss about my bots idea and want his backing to implement this.
In fact, the urge gets stronger as the lesson goes by and I actually skipped lunch in
school and rushed back to office. only to find him with Dr. Lim all the way until I
knocked off at 530.
Well. I am glad that I took some action by contacting my Singapore Microsoft contact
Marcos to help me link up with Microsoft China. I hope he would help me after his vacation.
Also, Had a treat from Lulu, some sweet from Coffee bean I guess. not bad! I printed
my NPD notes too! VERY NICELY PACKED! looks so neat! I am sooo motivated to study!
The best part is the dinner! Had it at Xintiandi!!! The 外婆红烧肉 is FANTASTIC!!!! I LOVE it!!
Also one of my favourites is the 蚂蚁上树 because there is y favourite 粉丝!(or冬粉!)
After that we had some drinks at Yogo Juice! Healthy place! I ordered Heavenly Hawaiian
(A generous mixed of cranberries, strawberries and many other berries!) very healthy!!!
They also gave us complimentary (free) CD singles!
Went back home after that real tired and fast asleep… looking forward to CG’s dinner tomorrow! hehe!