TSD Day077: KOREA-ing

各位亲爱的读者。当你看到这个Blog 的时候,我可能已经在
飞机上、济州岛 (Jeju Island) 、或首尔 (Seoul) 了!从这
个月的3 号到7 号会再韩国 (Korea) !
Hi everyone! I am safe and sound in Korea!!! Jeju Island!!!
Its a very beautiful place!!!! Today we visited this Dragon place!
Its on a beach! BEAUTIFUL!!!
I Tell you, JEJU island is FANTASTIC!!! The air is EXTREMELY fresh!
and the wind is cool! a very very refreshing break from Shanghai!!!!
In addtion, the food here is mostly seafood… and VERY LITTLE oil!!!
Its extremely healthy!!!
For Dinner, we had hot pot seafood…. wow! the food is superb!!!
I ate dinner with all the people I don’t know… haha!!!!
After that we went to a resort and spent the night there! The resort
is fantastic! We slept on "Tatami" bed… very cool!!! =)