LSiN Day107: Ever Onward…

我自己的目标! 一直都迈向目标前进!可能有时候慢得像只乌龟似
的,可是我没有放弃!真的朝着目标迈进!Ever Onward! Oh yeah!
Started today with 24laps in the pool! hehe! then taught and
went to school to continue with the programming!!! haha! On
the way there, I also wasted no time and studied my Jap!!!
Progress for website? not too good. BUT! I did manage to get
help and finally was able to solve some of the issues! haha!
Some progress is etter than no progress. but I still need to
work on it!
Tonight, I need to start doing the Jap paper.. hmm maybe I
shall start with the 2007 paper… hehe! Then shall prepare
for my test on Wednesday! haha!  Never give up… we can
only get better! hehe!

"Life is a series of experiences, each one of which
makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard
to realize this. For the world was built to develop
character, and we must learn that the setbacks and
grieves which we endure help us in our
marching onward." Henry Ford
So many things, So little time...