LSiN Day157: Catch up with Seniors!

个纸鹤里面, 写了每个学生的祝福!加油啊!
Today I also visited Neng Giin in Microsoft! hehe! not bad!
havent been there for a while… but the Pantry is still as great!
full of drinks and great view! hehe! Thank NEng Giin for the
Microsoft Organiser! hehe!
After that was wine session with the gang! hehe! nice! especially
the food! hehe! The wine is also really good… although a little
expensive! hehe!
"All men have a sweetness in their life. That is what helps
them go on. It is towards that they turn when they feel
too worn out." Albert Camus|_0296.jpg|_0298.jpg|_0300.jpg|_0307.jpg|_0309.jpg|_0310.jpg|_0312.jpg|_0313.jpg|_0318.jpg