SODay022: The Long Vacation…

Although I gave up on ne more career opportunity in Shanghai, I
am not giving up. I am chasing my dream and realising it! I hope
that my dreams do come true… I am working towads it! Although
I know that nothing is certain… especially in these unceratin periods.
"Change your thoughts and you change your world."

Norman Vincent Peale

Headed to Tracy’s home and had sandwich that she made and
had a movie marathon! hehe! the dinner was sumptous as usual!
Simply enjoying the food! muahaha!

SODay021: 买东西!吃东西!

Today is basically shopping and eating… I never knew doing JUST that
could be sooo tiring… I think it’s not easy to live life as a Tai Tai after
putting myself in their shoes today! hehe…


Finding what I REALLY want…
I think I am just one confused young man hungry to carve a career of
his own but unsure where to begin while in the midst of a financial crisis.
I shall know what I REALLY want soon… =)

"To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path,
and don’t worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars
shine brightest." – Unknown