SODay076: 好玩!手酸死了!!

今天划了一整天的独木舟。 超级超级好玩!不过手都快
酸死了! 哈哈!不过我学了很多新花招!可惜我暂时还
哈哈!海洋!蓝天!大地!Oh yeah! 哈哈!
"We are here to add what we can to life, not to get
what we can from life." William Osler


SODay075: The day I forgot…

Haha! To someone who blogs EVERY Single Day! I actually forgot to
blog aobut yesterday! hehe!
Well, I spent the day book writing about 7 pages I think. hehe! Not easy!
but I took my own time! hehe! And of course! receiving the commencement
letter! hehe! So I have registered!!!
NUS Class of 2009! hehe! Graduates! hehe!
"I think; therefore I am."

Rene Descartes