SODay825: Amazon AWS Startup Competition

この試合に勝ちたい:”Amazon AWS Startup Competition” (。この試合を参加する人にとって、だれも勝ちたいんです。でも、僕は誰よりも勝ちたいです!がんばろう!

今天我的朋友和我朋友想参加一个Amazon的创业比赛(!正在准备当中!真希望能赢啊!午餐吃了“汤匙”不要误会哦!因为那个餐馆的名字叫做”Soup Spoon”。其实还蛮好吃的!只是吃不饱!

“The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be only sustainable competitive advantage.” Arie de Geus quotes

Clam Chowder with lotsa ingredients inside!

Clam Chowder with lotsa ingredients inside!


Bacon Cheese Sandwich with nice bread and strange but healthy salad!

Bacon Cheese Sandwich with nice bread and strange but healthy salad!