TMDay0082: F1 + 失敗しまった


失败了。真伤心。心碎。哀伤。不开心。郁闷。好想找个地方呐喊!把心中的不开心都发泄出来!毕竟我花了很多精神和精力。算了,不能放弃,继续加油吧。虽然我还是想自甘堕落一下。今天也去了F1的Simulation Race! 还蛮有趣的。晚上去跑步了!找个途径化悲愤为力量!

“An inventor fails 999 times, and if he succeeds once, he’s in. He treats his failures simply as practice shots.” Charles F. Kettering quotes (American engineer, inventor of the electric starter, 1876-1958)

Challenge here!

Challenge here!

The Simulation Car...

The Simulation Car...

The Dressing room...

The Dressing room...

The Food!!!

The Food!!!

The (ACT) Professional...

The (ACT) Professional...

Some momento...

Some momento...

The lunch: my favourite grilled chicken mushroom swiss!

The lunch: my favourite grilled chicken mushroom swiss!