FOB0560: Emergency Work!

今日午前はEmergency Noticeにもっらって、仕事は忙しかった。そして、赤ちゃんと一緒に遊びまして、夜残業しました。頑張ります。

昨晚收到诊所有员工混检结果异常(其实就是Covid Positive)全部诊所都关掉了。早上收到消息,马上急着要在小程序和网站上准备弹窗。幸亏中午不到完全搞定,之后还要帮医生送电脑帮助在线问诊。今天是周末也让小朋友看看动画。继续努力。

“Be thankful for problems. If they were less difficult, someone with less ability might have your job.” Jim Lovell

Another PCR this time its a household sharing a tube to save costs...
Another PCR this time its a household sharing a tube to save costs…
Playing Fake Lego...
Playing Fake Lego…
Trying to piece things together... but still need help...
Trying to piece things together… but still need help…
小宝Looking on...
小宝Looking on…
Taadaa... A cannon!
Taadaa… A cannon!
Walking around the neighbourhood during earth hour and thankful for a shop that is still open!
Walking around the neighbourhood during earth hour and thankful for a shop that is still open!
Wow... His imagination... Putting fake lego on real lego...
Wow… His imagination… Putting fake lego on real lego…