FOB0613: Luna has fallen for the first time!


今天小宝发烧了。所以去医院了。小宝一岁多了,从出生到现在都没生病,这次是第一次,和大宝比起来强多了。医院回来后继续工作。今天也急着把房子的事情搞定。继续努力!(Not the crypto Luna falling though).

Health is not valued till sickness comes.” Thomas Fuller

Going out for the first time in months!
Going out for the first time in months!
At the hospital...
At the hospital…
Getting food was not easy...
Getting food was not easy…
Back to playing...
Back to playing…
Maybe I can pay him ice cream to help me attend meetings!
Maybe I can pay him ice cream to help me attend meetings!