FOB0672: 腰酸背痛Monday!



I am extremely satisfied and content. I am happy and I think happiness is enough for everything.“ Waheeda Rehman

Honest Lunch!
Honest Lunch!

FOB0671: Disneyland Sunday!



“Happiness is very simple and minimal.” Tablo

Finally Gym!
Finally Gym!
At the happiest place on Earth eating ice cream to destress.
At the happiest place on Earth eating ice cream to destress.
Kids playing!
Kids playing!
Kids playing!
Kids playing!

FOB0670: Swim and Teeth cleaning!


今天带大宝去学游泳了,之后去洗牙。今天也看电影了!是我小时候最喜欢的作者Roald Dahl 的BFG!继续努力!

“I heard a definition once: Happiness is health and a short memory! I wish I’d invented it, because it is very true.” Audrey Hepburn

Fixing the baby chair...
Fixing the baby chair…
Fixing the baby chair...
Fixing the baby chair…
Fixing the baby chair...
Fixing the baby chair…
Learning to swim!
Learning to swim!
Seeing the Dentist!
Seeing the Dentist!
Another PCR...
Another PCR…