FOB0696: Termites Attack!


今天工作继续,午餐和打包一起吃还蛮开心的。虽然他要的只是麦当当的Shaker Fries一根都不肯分给我。妹妹吃了一点也超级开心!今天继续搞房子。今天查房找到了白蚂蚁的踪影!可以做Baiting。真有趣!学习中!

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” Soren Kierkegaard

Enjoying the McDonalds Shaker Fries! yummy!
Enjoying the McDonalds Shaker Fries! yummy!
Live Termite infestation found! Excited to see how baiting is done!
Live Termite infestation found! Excited to see how baiting is done!
Drilling holes every interval to pour termite solution tmr!
Drilling holes every interval to pour termite solution tmr!
drilling every interval!
drilling every interval!
Nice sunset...
Nice sunset…
Spare the rod and spoil the child...
Spare the rod and spoil the child…