FOB0976: Last working week before SG!



“You can control two things: your work ethic and your attitude about anything.” Ali Krieger

Going to school and giving presents to teachers!
Going to school and giving presents to teachers!
Yes! My non-marking sole adidas booties are here!
Yes! My non-marking sole adidas booties are here!
Wow another Milestone!
Wow another Milestone!

FOB0975: Disneyland again…



“In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.” Yogi Berra

Playing Iron man!
Playing Iron man!
Played so hard, sleep so hard...
Played so hard, sleep so hard…
Evening situation!
Evening situation!

FOB0974: Super Packed Saturday!



“Achievement is not always success, while reputed failure often is. It is honest endeavor, persistent effort to do the best possible under any and all circumstances.” Orison Swett Marden

Yummy breakfast!
Yummy breakfast!
Pool to myself for 5 mins!
Pool to myself for 5 mins!
Learning to skiiii!
Learning to skiiii!
He loves this photo!
He loves this photo!