FOBDay0986: Moving Chilli Padi to Yard for servicing!



Someone asked me, if I were stranded on a desert island what book would I bring… ‘How to Build a Boat.’ ” Steven Wright

First Light!
First Light!
Trying to steer boat with rain pelting on my face...
Trying to steer boat with rain pelting on my face…
Securing the boat...
Securing the boat…
Chilli Padi Owners!
Chilli Padi Owners!
Play area at hotel...
Play area at hotel…
Playing at the mall...
Playing at the mall…

FOB0985: Boat Prep!



“Only the guy who isn’t rowing has time to rock the boat.” Jean-Paul Sartre

Thanks Steve for the treat!
Thanks Steve for the treat!
Finally at Changi Sailing Club!
Finally at Changi Sailing Club!
Happy at the toy store!
Happy at the toy store!