FOB1013: Flying to Shanghai….



“You’re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway.” Walt Disney

Flying off for now!
Flying off for now!
Posing with the planes!
Posing with the planes!
Enjoying the inflight meal and entertainment while the other one sleeps...
Enjoying the inflight meal and entertainment while the other one sleeps…
Back to Long queue....
Back to Long queue….

FOB1012: Joint Inspection!

今日家の事を続きまして、自分の事もしました。夜荷物はEarly Check Inしました。佳く頑張ります!

今天一早就搞房子的事情。之后工作,搞保险。晚上还去Early CheckIn。之后接Leon一家来新加坡旅游。继续努力!

“Truth is confirmed by inspection and delay; falsehood by haste and uncertainty.” Tacitus

Joint inspection!
Joint inspection!